Petyr Baelish X Bolton!Reader - Protector (Requested)

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Visiting King's Landing was never your favourite thing to do, the journey from the Dreadfort always took so long and the people were posh, boring southerners. However, it did give you a break from Ramsay, who was never allowed to make the visit for fear of your father's bastard's presence offending the King and Queen.

"Y/N, keep to the path," your father scolded you as you allowed your horse to run through one of the King's Roads surrounding fields rather than on the gravel road. You slowly pulled on the reins to come back to his side, giving him a small, uncomfortable smile.

"He doesn't like being on the gravel," you started softly, "we much prefer riding on the grass, don't we percy?" you added, stroking the horses mane as he whinnied in response causing you to laugh.

"When will you ever grow up? It is a horse, what he 'likes' doesn't matter, you not getting yourself killed matters," he spoke in a low gruff tone, looking at you and immediately wiping the smile from your face. "From now on you do not see the horse outside of when you are riding with me," he uttered, calmer now, and you gave him a small nod to show you understood before he sped up his horse silently to go and speak with one of the other men, leaving you to ride alone.

*Time Skip*

Once you reached King's Landing, you moved to the stables to settle Percy in. You were still bitter over what your Father had said to you, and had not spoken with him since the incident, but as he saw you enter the stables with your horse he grew angry again, storming in after you.

"What do you think you are doing?" his voice came from behind you as you pet the other horses. You quickly turned to look at him, your cheeks reddening as you realised just how angry he was.

"I was just helping them get Percy in, he was being difficult," you told him as he moved closer to you, gripping your wrist and pulling you away from the horses.

"You are a lady, you do not 'help' with the difficult horses, and you do not deliberately disobey my orders, do you understand?" he growled at you pulling on your arms and digging in his nails.

"Father, please, you're hurting me," you cried out quietly as tears brimmed in your eyes. You pulled on your arm to try and free it from his grip, but he was unmoved by your attempt, simply gripping you tighter in his grasp.

"Do you understand?" he growled again and you quickly nodded, the tears now making tracks down your face as you whimpered at the pain he was causing you. As he released you, you fell backwards, catching yourself against the wall as he glared at you. "Now go to your chambers and clean yourself up, you look a mess," he told you and you nodded again as you turned to leave.

As you quickly moved around the corner, you crashed into another man, causing you to fall backwards again, only to be caught around the waist by the man standing in front of you. "I'm sorry, My Lady, I didn't see you there," the man spoke, his face turning worried as he looked down at your shocked, tear-stained face, releasing his hold on your waist as your father came around the corner behind you. "Lord Bolton, I wasn't aware you had arrived," he started, offering your father a small smile.

"Good to see you again, Baelish. I see you've met my daughter. Y/N you need to watch where you're going, apologise to Petyr." Your father sounded so calm speaking in front of this man and you quickly nodded your agreement.

"I'm sorry, Lord Baelish," you uttered softly and the man nodded, taking your hand in his.

"It's quite alright, My Lady. It's nice to meet you," he told you raising your hand to his lips to place a small kiss on the back, his eyes lingering on the nail marks gracing your arm. "Would you like to walk with me in the gardens? Your Father will need to go and greet the King," he asked as he moved away from you and you nodded, grateful for the excuse to get away from your Father.

"I will see you later, behave yourself Y/N," your father bit out as he walked briskly towards the entrance to the Red Keep, leaving you alone with Baelish close beside you.

"My Lady, you must tell me," he spoke softly as he linked his arm with yours, leading you off towards the gardens. "Did your Father leave those marks on your wrist?" he asked and you remained silent, contemplating trusting the man beside you.

"He did my Lord," you murmured softly. "I was being... quiet difficult," you continued, glancing up at him as his face grew angry.

"No man should harm a woman," Baelish spoke, allowing his hand to brush against the arm linked with his, "he needs to be stopped."

"You can't tell anyone," you started, your voice pitchy as the panic set in, stopping in the middle of the pathway causing him to halt abruptly. "He would be so mad at me for telling," you spoke and Petyr could see the fear in your eyes as they stared into his.

"I will not tell, but he'll not harm you anymore. I'll protect you," he told you as he moved closer to you. "Tell me the next time he lays a hand on you," he uttered as he started to walk again, with you falling into step beside him.

"We won't be in the capital for long, My Lord. My Father wants to return to his Bastard at the Dreadfort," you spoke again, pausing for a moment. "He's even worse," you uttered and Baelish's face contorted, brows knitted together and mouth hanging open slightly.

"Does he hurt you too?" he asked, allowing his hand to rub soothing circles along your arm as you nodded. "What does he do?" he asked and you raised your eyes to his.

"He is a twisted man, My Lord. You don't need to hear the details," you murmured, feeling him tense beside you.

"You'll not go back there," he told you, as gently as he could manage, but you could feel his anger radiating from him in waves.

"I have no choice in the matter. My Father takes me with him wherever he goes," you started, pausing as you looked up at his face again. He was thinking, you could all but see the cogs turning in his head as he considered his options.

"I will ask your father for your hand," he finally spoke. "If we are to be married you would need to stay with me," he added and your face turned to doubt.

"I can't ask that of you Petyr," you told him but the only response you got was a small shrug. "And what if my Father says no?" you asked him and he shrugged again.

"If your father rejects my proposal then I'll find you another suitor here. I won't allow him to take you back to the Dreadfort," he told you as you reached a marble bench, moving to sit beside one another.

*Time Skip*

"Why would you want to marry my daughter, Little finger?" Roose Bolton questioned as they sat across the dinner table from one another, the King watched in amusement from the head of the table as you sat, red faced, beside your Father. "She's practically a child," he added as you pressed your face into your hands.

"It should be a good match for our houses," Petyr started, smiling. "We are on the same side in this war, where is the harm in bringing out houses together." Petyr paused to smile at you for a moment. "She is sixteen, most women have had there first child by that age," he added.

"He has a point," the king spoke up, "it will be good for the Kingdoms to join house Bolton and house Baelish. I assume you have already bled girl?" he shot your way and you nodded, your face turning an even darker shade of red. "That settles it, they shall be married," he spoke again, fixing your father with a glance that seemed to silence him before he could even begin to speak.

"Thank you, your Grace," Petyr spoke softly, reaching under the table with his foot to knock yours gently causing you to smile softly at him. 

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