Rhaegar Targaryen/Robert Baratheon X Reader - The Prince and The Warrior

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Men were stupid; you had always thought so. Show a little bit of cleavage and act dumb and they would fall at your feet begging for your attention. You were well versed in getting your own way, you had been raised without a father and had three younger sisters, all of whom your mother had taught well.

You had put on your act as soon as you had met Rhaegar Targaryen. Yes, he was a married man, but he was the future King. He would be helpful in the future if you ever got yourself into any real trouble. It started with some innocent flirting, pulling down the neckline of your dress in order to expose a little more of your chest, making sure the Prince got a good view of you. You knew you had caught his attention as soon as you had curtseyed to him, watching as he pressed his lips to the back of your hand in greeting before giving you a bright smile.

"It's lovely to meet you, My Lady," he had hummed in his velvety voice, and you had bitten your lip slightly, attempting to show your interest in him.

"I'm honoured by your presence, Your Grace," you responded simply, giving him a small soft smile. You had caught him watching you many times that night, shooting him a shy smile every time you caught his eye.

He had approached you again later, whilst you were standing alone on the balcony that looked out over King's Landing, his silver hair blowing in the breeze as he leant against the stone wall beside you. "Have you enjoyed yourself this evening, My Lady?" he asked you, making you turn your head to look at him.

"It's been almost perfect, Your Grace," you sighed gently as you smiled up at him.

"Almost?" he questioned lightly, shifting so that he was turned towards you.

"I didn't spend nearly enough time with you, Your Grace," you uttered, and he chuckled at your words.

"You're in dangerous territory, My Lady. My wife wouldn't have been happy if I'd spent the whole night at your side," he joked and you laughed, one of those light, airy laughs that could draw a man's attention from a mile away.

"Come now, Your Grace. You're a Prince, your wife's opinion can't be so important to you," you started in a sweet voice and his jaw tightened slightly before releasing.

"I'm sure you are right, My Lady," he smiled back at you. "However, it's not so much her that I'm worried about, but her brother," he added and you smirked.

"Ah, Oberyn," you murmured and he nodded silently. "A good warrior, and a protective brother I would assume," you finished and he nodded again before speaking.

"He and Elia are very close, he would do anything for her, and I'm sure that my status would do very little to stop that," he murmured and you frowned slightly.

"If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me, Your Grace" you practically purred at him, biting you lip before walking away, allowing your hips to sway slightly. You knew you had him as soon as you had reached the door into the Great Hall, looking over your shoulder to find him watching you leave.

*Time Skip*

The next morning, when you woke up, you had dressed quickly, meeting your youngest sister before going off to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"A man was asking me about you yesterday," she told you with a small smirk, her voice was high and sweet but masked a much more devious personality behind it.

"Who?" you questioned her, not turning to look at her as you lifted your fork to your mouth.

"Robert Baratheon," she taunted you, hesitating for a while before continuing, "He said that you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen," she added and you chuckled. "He wanted to know if you were betrothed yet," she finished and you smiled over at her.

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