Chapter 21: Unmasked

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Chapter 21

 “Rob you’re scaring me. Quit staring at me and pick up that damn thing! “ Leslie was shaking me while stuffing another smore into her mouth.

I looked back down at my phone and waited for the ringing to end. The moment it did, I hid it under the pillow and breathe a sigh of relief. It was shortlived, because before I knew it, it started ringing over and over again.

Leslie raised an eyebrow and looked at me questionably, “Is there something you’re not telling me Robin Green? “

Sighing, I grabbed Leslie’s hands and sat her crosslegged opposite of me. After taking a sip of  iced tea (we made my mum send some up earlier) , I rubbed my face and told her everything.

“ I started getting freaked out that this guy knew where I was and still haven’t told me who he was.  He acts like he knows me from an old place but I haven’t got a clue!” I stuffed a smore pouting.

Leslie closed her eyes before screaming and bopping up and down continously, “Oh my god! Oh my god! You got yourself , “ she leaned in to my faced, eyes wide and finger pointed at me, “a stalker. “ in an airy voice.

If I wasn’t worried before, hearing Lelsie use the S word triggered it. Although it wasn’t as serious, this guy was following me and hasn’t even told me who he was.

New Text Message:

Unknown: You must be busy, can I see you? Maybe at Woodriff Park at say 7?

“You’re not going are you? “ Leslie asked incredulously. When I failed to reply, she stood up and walked around the room, her hands on her head, “ You don’t know he could be some murderer! Just ask who he is and bring someone even!”

“I don’t know Les, this guy acts like he knows me. Maybe it’s some joke and he’s just someone I know. “

Leslie crashed on me sitting on top of me. Grabbing my arms and putting them above my head on the floor, she got trapped me under. “Les what the-“

“Listen here Green, this is your safety we’re gambling. If you’re soooooo keen on going, you better not go alone you hear me?! “

“ If you wanted me to ask you along then just ask. You don’t have to pound on me. “ I grunted slowly pushing her off me.

Leslie smiled cheekily, “Aw okay if you say so! But I’ll bring someone…maybe Aiden. “ she gushed happily.

“ No!” I protested, “ Les, I don’t want anyone else to know about this okay? And soccer guys tell each other everything. I don’t want Justin to know either.”

“First of all, “ she lifted a finger and closed her eyes snobbishly, “ So what if Justin knows, he doesn’t care anymore. And second, “ another finger, “ You need a guy with you in case this guy’s dangerous Rob. You wouldn’t want to let Flynn know right? He’s closer to Justin than Aiden is. Also, you gotta tell Lana or that girl will go berserk. “

Knowing I had no way out and that Leslie had my best interest at heart, I gave in.

“Before we Skype Lana, go and text that guy for his identity! Who the hell does he think he is? He’s much worse than Johnny Depp! “

Leslie stalked off towards my bathroom after setting my laptop ready for Skype. With slight confidence, I replied this guy.

“ Okay, I’ll see you there. But who the hell are you? How do I know this isn’t how I die?”

Sassy and lame, I know.

The reply came in pretty quickly, Leslie wasn’t even out yet.

Unknown: An old friend haha! And what good would it bring me to have you dead? I’ll be by the swings at 7! Don’t be late!

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