Chapter 3.

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Okayy before anything,I just want to tell you guys that I've changed some names on this book.I don't know why.But my bestfriends are now :

- Leslie Brookes (Previously Tanny )

-Lana Hillary Bridges (Previously Emily)

Adam and Josh are still the same though.

And I added and edited some parts out from the past 2 chapters do check that out so you wouldn't get confused .

And Thank You so much for still reading ! :)

Chapter 3

At home,I was feeling worse.Everything in that house reminded me of Justin.How annoying.I must try to forget that douche.

“Robin,you alright?”Mum asked.She was wearing an apron and is that chilli paste stains on her cheek?Well she must be cooking dinner.Whoa chilli?Hey that was one of Justin’s favourite.Oh dang it!

“Did you just zoned out?”She continued.

Oh yeah,I was still in the room,not in some parallel universe where Chase Crawford was . “Honey,you took the ice-cream and it isn’t even dinner yet.What happened honey?Was it Josh?”

I groaned.Josh’s name started with a J,just like Justin.

”Why does everything gotta be either Adam or Josh?I’m okay mum.Just had a little fight with Justin.It was…well pretty bad.”

My mum’s eyes went wide.Everyone that knew us knows that we rarely fought,but when we do,it was serious.It could last for a while.

My brother’s scream broke the silence.”WHERE DID MY BEN AND JERRY’S GO?!OH MY GOD ROOOBBBBIIIIINNNN !!!!!!!”

“God have mercy on her,”mum said while shaking her head and she left.

Blaine ran up the stairs and appeared in my room just as Mum left.

“Did you steal..”he was cut-off by the remorse look on my face.He suddenly looked upset.”Who did it Robin,I’ll kill him.”

Jeez,typical boys.Trying to solve everything with their fists.

“Don’t be ridiculous Blaine,it was nothing.”I rolled my eyes.

God just because he was buff and works out,doesn’t mean he had to thrash everyone that hurt me.Oh yeah,did I mention?My brother was the star quarterback of his high school.Yeapp,we go to different highschools for some reason.He was the State’s most prized Quarterback.So you can imagine how buff he is.But here’s the thing,he doesn’t have a girlfriend.He says he could use the time to take care of me.How sweet.

“Don’t lie to me Rob.So what if I’m not in your..”

“Shut up Blaine.This has nothing to do with that!”I snapped.

Blaine looks defeated.He sighed and ran his fingers through his blond hair.”Jeez I’m sorry Rob.I just ,well..nevermind.Save that Ice cream for later would you?Dinner smells good.”He walked to me and gave me a hug.”I love you Robin,and you can always tell me anything.”

I squeezed him and said,”I was never the mushy kind,but I love you to bro.”

“KIDS,DINNNNNEERRR~ !” my mum sang from the kitchen in a falsetto voice.Dramatic much.

After dinner I head to my room,in need of completing my homework.I checked my phone and saw that I had 16messages,8 missed calls and 3 voicemails.I felt wanted.

Hah,is this how the popular kids feel?AWESOME.

My heart dropped when I saw who it was from.4 texts were from my 4 besties,and so were the miss calls.The other  11 texts,4 missed calls and 3 voicemails were from ,yeapp you guessed it Mr Let-Heather-Break-Our-Friendship . Ugh.Oh yeah,one text was from the school,reminding us that next Monday was a holiday.Cool.

“Robin,can you answer my call?” That was repeated with some added frustration and ‘sorry’s ‘ through the 6th to 11th text,Pathetic Justin,pathetic.

But what angered me the most was one of the voicemails.While Justin was talking and apologising over and over, Heather interrupted and talked seductively,asking Justin to hurry up.Eww right?But hey,at least  Justin told her to quit it.

I conferenced call every one of my besties ad told them what happened.They were shocked that Heather would try to get in our friendship.I could feel Adam and Josh getting angry.We ended the call after 30 minutes,I needed to get back with my homework.Blaine came in my room and stole the Ice-cream.He told me he would get me a new one tomorrow.

He won’t.


Author's Note :

Kinda short , sorry :(

The next one will be longer,promise ! :)

Teaser : Maybe a little Lana and Flynn? How's Justin and Robin hangin up? Oh and Justin is gonna surprise Robin (and you! )  ;) Oh and I think there's something you need to know about Blaine. *serious face*

Next update : Next 25 reads maybe ? 


ZeeFriday. xx

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