Chapter 11

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Let’s just say the next 100 minutes of Design class was gonna be  awkward as hell,with Justin being my partner. I could see him fiddling with his fingers,looking at me over and over again as our teacher was explaining to us our task. Of course me,being mad at him,gave him the cold shoulder.It’s too bad we can’t switch partners in the middle of the semester.

“Alright,grab your tools gang and start the construction of your respective designs ! “ Mr Flight ,our teacher,announced clapping his hands.

Ugh.Now I actually have to talk to Justin.We’re constructing a laptop table with lights.I stood up from my seat,eager to head over to grab the polishing file before he talks to me.Only I was too late.When I was standing up,Justin was glancing at me so he knew I was gonna get started on our project. He took the opportunity to talk to me.

“Robin ! “ He called and grabbed my arm before releasing it. “ I’ll go and sand the table legs okay ? “ He asked with a smile. I look at him with a bored expression ,nodded my head and walked out. I swear I saw him stay rooted to the ground shocked at my reaction. I smile victoriously while picking out the right file.

“Hmm you’re happy.” Josh said poking me with a polishing file . “ What’s made you smile Robby-Roo ? “ he teased.

I wrinkled my nose.Josh was the only one who called me Robby-Roo because he caught my dad calling me that last year when he came over to pass my mum some casserole Mrs Andrews made. I cannot get over the embarrassment.

I glared at him before laughing and poking him with a file.

“ Nothing.Just successfully ignored Justin today. “

“Oh? “ He smiled. “Congratulations Ms Green.You have won…nothing! “ He announced using the polishing file as a microphone. I giggled at his silliness. “ Are you planning to get back at him ? “ He asked.

I looked over at Justin who was sanding the table legs with concentration.He’s really working hard to pull up his DNT grade.Unlike him,I’m a whiz at this subject.I always did well for it regardless it being the theory or practical cousework part of the subject.He was pretty good for the practical coursework part since his dad is a carpenter and he always helped him out.But for theory? Justin was hopeless.

An evil thought crept up to me and I turned to Josh smiling,my eyes twinkling.

“Uh-oh . Don’t get me involved. “ He raised his hands and walked away.

Gingerly,I walked over behind Justin.Just as I was about to walk pass him,I “ tripped “ and “accidently “ pushed him,causing him to release his grip of the table legs. The legs made contact with the sanding machine and the strong friction cause it to fly across the room( Making some of our classmates to gasp and Mr Flight to trace the flight pattern of the table legs while yelling “ Look at it go ! “ ) ,and it break as it landed on the floor.

Justin gasped as his eyes followed the legs and to its broken pieces as it landed on the floor.

“Ms Green,Mr Knights. You do realise that the project is due in 2 weeks don’t you? And the joke you just pulled to show the Flight of the table legs won’t get you both any extra marks, “ He looked at the other students before saying, “ Pun intended. “ That earned their laughters before they got on with their work.

Justin looked at me incredulously and I started to feel bad. He picked me up from my fallen state and said “ Why did you do that ? “ anger was slowing seething out of his body. “ I worked so hard on that ! “ He spat not too loudly so only I could hear him.

I smiled a little. “ It was an accident . “ I replied coolly.

“You did that on purpose because you knew it would affect the project marks and I would fail since you already did so well for theory ! “ He didn’t bother hiding his anger any longer as he stared at me angrily.

I smirked at him. “ Kinda sounds like what happened during Geography huh ? “ I said with my hands on my hips. Justin stopped staring and raked his fingers through his hand. “ Why can’t you just let that go ? “ He sighed exasperately. “ You could’ve get back at me some other way!Or  like report me to Mr Wayne. “

“I didn’t feel like doing it.” I shrugged.

Justin’s eyes went wide as realisation dawned on him.I smirk at him and walked away while slapping his face with my pony tail.

Justin 1,Robin 1.

Game on Justin Zachary Knights. Game F**king On.


A/N : I know it's kinda short but I'm super duper sorry ! The next part will be more interesting ;)

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