Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

One week to Nationals. That’s crazy. What’s even more crazy, is that I’m right here at home, when I should be in school for training. (besides curriculum)

A cold, I was stopped from being in school for a mere cold. Being someone who was prone to gtting sinus, especially on rainy mornings, I would have expected my mum to be a little more fine of the idea of me heading to school right now.

“The flu bug sparked on at your borther’s college Robin, I’m hoping it won’t spread here too.”

(A.N: I realised that in the start of the story, I mentioned that Blaine was in high school. But let’s leave it as he was always in college, and Montre High School was just his school before. Oops.)

I’m really fine though, I just have the sniffles and a slight fever. But the school has also heard of the epidemic Eastwood College had, and are taking (un)neccesary measures. So as long as we were running a temperature, we had to stay home.

Coach Evans wasn’t so pleased, neither was I to be honest. At least I could rest my sore muscles, they’ve been aching for quite a while now.

I’ve been texting Duke, suprisingly, a lot over the last couple of days. We’ve been catching up this way, because I kept avoiding his plans for a meet-up with excuses. I just don’t think I can see him, and let him win so easily.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve moved on from him and I spent the years apart believing that I’ve forgiven him too. I guess seeing him that night made me realised I haven’t actually accepted the whole thing. But we do I.M too, I gave him that when I told him I wouldn’t be using my phone for a while since I’ll be doing my work on the laptop.

Duke: I’m leaving back to L.A in three weeks though. I hope we could meet up before then.

You: Well we’ll see. I’m stuck at home with a cold, and I’m going to be pretty busy working on Nationals. So I can’t be sure.

Duke: You’re with a cold? Hm, alright then rest up okay? I gotta get something done, I’ll ttyl!

You: Sure.

Read: 1.43pm

Adam’s parents came back from their business trip a few days ago but Adam still stays with his cousin. He told them that since it was a lot nearer to school, and he often had to stay late in school for revision (which is a lie since finals are still months away) it’d make more sense to stay anyway.

I was surprised his parents agreed, but later found out that they were preparing for another business trip next week, so they wouldn’t want to bother Adam by maiking him move again.

“How are you feeling Robby-roo?” My dad cooed from the hallway.

“I’m not harbouring anything contagious Dad, and please stop calling me that..”

My dad chuckled, gingerly walking in my room with a bowl of hot soup.

“I was carrying your lunch, and I love calling you that. Remember you used to love it.”

Part of the reason why I didn’t really like being called that, was because Justin sort of came up with it. We were still kids, about six years old,  and were watching Winnie The Pooh in my living room. My dad and Blaine were watching with us, eating crackers. There was this scene where Winnie’s Kangaroo friend came to visit. She had a son named Roo.

How creative.

Anyway, they were all cheering and the name Roo kept coming up. Justin, being the intellectual he is, realises how similar it was to my name. He pointed at me and the tv, a pretzel piece in his mouth, and said “Robin. Roo. Robin. Roo.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2014 ⏰

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