Chapter 2- A new Ray of light.

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I finally opened my eyes because the sunlight was hitting my eyelids making me see a peach color. I kept blinking because everything was blurry. I wanted to get up but I couldn't, my legs were asleep. My vision clears up a bit and I can see things again, but where am I? I have never seen this place before in life. I was still in my clothes from that night and my shirt was down I didn't know what to do but call Barbara. I get up and my legs just dropped and I was on all fours. I find my suit cases and I reach my hand in the front pocket to grab my phone. Thank god it was there.

I also found the paper with her number on it and I dial it. "Hello?" asks a voice "hey? Barbara? It's Danielle." "Oh Hi Danielle, I'm at work is it important?"

"Yes! Ray and I were walking last night and some guy jumped me and I was saved and I passed out falling into Rays arms. Do you know if he's there Barbara?" 

"Oh my god are you OK? I'll get Ray if he's here..." Barbara left the phone and when she back she said that he was there and he wanted to talk to me. "Hello? Danielle? It's Ray." 

"RAY! What happened last night? Where am I? Please come get me!!!" I cried through the phone. For some reason I hated being alone at some times but normally I like being alone but now I just want to be with Ray. "OK I'm coming back. I just came to tell them I was taking the day off. Just stay put until I get back. I'll be there in 10 minutes." after he said this he hung up. What do I now? Do I go through my suitcases for clean clothes? Do I go to the kitchen and get food? Do I watch T.V? I was completely lost. I crawled back to the bed. Normally I don't go back to bed after I've woken up but 1: I can't walk and 2: I don't know where I am and I don't want to explore whosoever home this is.

I heard the door open. I got scared. Was it Ray or some one else? I started to panic and I try to get up to see who is there but I still couldn't walk because my legs were still asleep. I crawl to the door hesitating to open it. I opened a little crack and I peaked through. It was Ray. I immediately got up and whipped the door open, he got startled and flinched his shoulders. "RAY!!!" I cried as I stumbled through the door. "AAH!" my legs failed out on me and the next thing I knew I was falling but I didn't hit the floor instead I felt a warm chest and heart beat. Ray caught me and stood me up. I couldn't help but just hug him. " Ray what happened last night?" I ask.

"Well..." As Ray told me what happened he said that he didn't want to spend my money with out my permission on a hotel so he took me back to his place. " Ray..." "Yea..." I didn't know what to say but "Thank you." "No probs if you like I could take you too see Barbara?" "Yes please!" I say. He called for a cab and as we were waiting I got dressed into some fresh clothes. The cab finally arrived and we got in. When we got there I still wasn't able to walk properly so Ray put his arm around me to help me walk. When we walked in the front door every one stared at us like where were 2 wild animals strolling in with tutus. I ignored it and went into the room I saw last night I sat on the couch.

"Hey Ray wha-"

"Who are you?" said one guy walking in randomly. "Oh this is Danielle I'm taking her to see Barbara." The guy gave Ray a confused look " I'll explain later. Come on Danielle." Ray says as he puts arm around me to help me walk. We walked around the building and every one stared at us. Well we do have our arms around each other, and too be honest I kinda liked having his arm around me. When we got to Barbara's desk she was surprised to see me and Ray. "Hey Danielle and Ray he he." She giggles "Whats with hugging Danielle Ray?" Ray blushed and said "She was having trouble walking so I wanted to help her so she doesn't fall on her face."

I laughed at the thought of me falling at on my face. It reminded me of that one episode of Sponge bob. The one where Patrick was wearing Sponge bob's hat and he took step and he fell face first in the floor. LOL!

Ray went to go get me some tea from the kitchen, I told Barbara what happened and what I remember. "Well what are you going to do now Danielle? I don't think you should stay alone in a hotel, I don't want you to be hurt again." "Well where can I stay? I guess I have to move back in with...ugh Jake." Ray comes back with a mug of tea and bagel. The mug had a sun on it." Here Danielle I don't think you've eaten anything this morning. OH and the tea is orange pekoe.Gavin helped me make it." I take a sip of the tea. "Oh my god this so good right now" I took another sip. " Who's Gavin anyways?" I ask taking a bite of my bagel. "Oh Gavin is a British dumb-ass. Aha yea but Gavin is really British and just pure idiot." Ray says and smiles and Barbara nods. "When you're done your Tea and bagel I'll take you on a private tour of the office and stuff. Cool?" And I nod as answer.

I finished my tea and my bagel."Can you walk on your own or do you need me help you?" When Ray asked this I dumbly said " I need you to help me." of course I said 'I need you to help me' dammit! I never think before I speak. "OK Danielle up you go. Oh I forgot my phone in the kitchen so we have to stop bye there." "OK" With our arms around each other once more we walk to the kitchen and some one else was there. A small man with a big nose and anime looking hair. "Oh hey Ray, who's that?" Asks the guy. "This is Danielle, you helped me make the tea for her. Danielle this is Gavin, the stupidest guy in the building. Ha ha" Ray said. " Hey don't call me dumb when you didn't know how to make tea! That's the easiest thing to make ever!" said Gavin. " I know how make tea, it's like one of the easiest things to make. You take boiling water, put it in a mug and then put the tea bag and just wait and then add what every you want like milk or sugar and then you stir." I felt so smart after saying this. " See? Even Danielle knows how to make tea. Do you also know to cook?" Gavin asks " Of course I do, my mother said it was one of the essential things to know is how to cook." 

After I said that Ray and Gavin look at me " You should ask her to move in with you Ray! You could finally stop eating chipotles or some thing every night." said Gavin smiling at me. "He he. Naw I can't move in with Ray. l'm too much to handle and I don't want to cause Ray any trouble and plus...I'm pretty sure Ray has a girl friend." There was silence after I said that. Ray and Gavin looked at each other. More silence and they burst out in laughter. "What? Was it some thing I said?" I ask. I was confused why are they laughing? "Oh Danielle, I don't even know you and you crack me up. HA HA HA HA! RAY? HAS A GIRLFRIEND!?!?!?!? HA HA HA HA!!!" said Gavin. "Yea. No, I could never have a girl friend. I'm too involved with work too have one." says Ray " Well what do you do here at your work?" I ask " Well I sit at a computer all day recording my game play with my friends... I know it's a weird job but I like it." after Ray said this my jaw dropped. I would dream for this job. "You play video games? AND GET PAID FOR IT?!?!?!" I said super excited. " Yea why?" Ray looked confused " You know my larger suitcase? "Yea, I carried it for you. It's still at my place why?" in my mind I thought this was just perfect. "It's a surprise but we have to go now if you want to see whats in it. Trust me it's gonna be awesome." I say with a smile.

Ray and I said bye to Gavin and we got in a cab and went back to his apartment. We went up the elevator to his floor and when got to his door there was a not on the ground in front of it. It had my name on it. We shrugged it off and went inside. "Where are my suitcases?" I ask "Oh they're in my room." I then went inside his room and I brought out my big suitcase.

Danielle and Ray -A fanfic-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu