Chapter 11- Together Forever <3

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After we hug, we let go and I smile. Then the 3 of us walked in. After we got in Ray grabs my hand. I look at him and he smiles. We jut walked and held each others hand, I didn't care though, I liked him anyways and I'm going to say yes.

He gave us a tour of the office and stuff, and of course we got looks. We stopped in the kitchen because I wanted some tea. Wanted some too so I made us some Jasmine tea. "Jasmine for Jazmin. Ha ha." I joke around handing her a mug.

"Yep you know I like my Jasmine tea." she says taking a sip.

"Hey Danielle!" I turn around to see who was calling me. Oh, it was Gus. That's odd of him, he isn't very social.

"Hey Gus what's up?"

"Wanna be on today's podcast? Jazmin can join too." 

"Sure Gus. Is Ray joining?"

"No, but he will join like in the middle to ask and answer some questions. Is that alright?"

"Of course Gus. Is there any Smirnoff like I had last time?"

"Yea we got you a 6 pack. 3 and 3 for you and Jazmin." 

"Alright when are we starting?"

"In 10 minutes. Gavin is joining too. I gotta go set up, meet us in the near the green screen. Bye!" and Gus walks away.

"Who was that?" asked Jazmin. 

"Oh he is like my boss or some thing. All that I know is that he is of higher ranking then me and he can tell me what to do."

"Oh OK? Where do you work?" 

"I don't know lets ask Ray I think he is at his desk." We both go to where desk his and we hear yelling. And a lot of cursing. I reach for the door nob. I get yanked away by my waist. "AH WHAT THE FUCK!?" I yell. I got scared shitless

I turn around and it was Ray. "Don't open the door. Michael is doing a rage quit and I don't want your ears to get hurt. Trust me. I'm doing this for you health." I roll my eyes after he said this.

"Ray I think I can handle it and Jazmin wants to know where I work. Can you take us?"

"Sure it's just over here." He points to the door across from his. "We aren't very far from each other, which I'm happy about." he says hugging me.

""Yea, Together forever!" I say joking around. He smiles and he takes Jazmin and I inside the office. He point to the corner of the room and there was a desk, with computer with my name on it. 

"I get my own computer! What do I do?"

"You edit video's, find new games we can play for all consoles that we own. Search up new equipment we can use and other stuff. So you have an easy job. You get paid I think $50 dollars a day? I don't know but I know it's along the lines of that."

I got so happy. I jumped at Ray giving him a hug. The cute way, like my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist...I really hope that's the cute way. 

"I'm having the best day ever!" I say. I was. I some times lie about it but I was being honest this time.

"I'm glad, because so am I." He says lifting up my chin. I smile. 

"Ray I have to go get ready for the podcast. I will see you later,bye" I kiss him on the cheek and leave the room with Jazmin.

"Danielle, you're good. You left him wanting more."

"Oh please Jazmin. Any ways I don't think you've been to big room with the green screen. Have you?"

She shakes her head no. "Can I see it?"

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