Chapter 17-Drugged and apparent cheaters

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Danielle didn't come home last night because she stayed the night at Kerry's. He was a good friend of mine and if he tried anything with Danielle I would probably try to rip his head off.

My apartment was so quiet. I wondered if it was always this disturbingly quiet. I sat on the couch reliving memories of Danielle and I. I love her so much. I wish she would believe me that nothing happened with May and I. She pulled me in for the kiss. May was such a good lier and you'd think she was innocent with anything she lied about.

When Danielle get's home we are going to have to talk. I really don't want to and I'm sure Danielle doesn't want to either but it has to be done sooner or later. I got a call from Burnie:

B-Hey Ray. R-Yeah what's up Burnie? B-Do you know that Kerry and Danielle are out? R-(sigh) Yes. She stayed the night and she should be coming back today.

B-Alright. She looks really happy. I had never seen her this happy before. R-How can you see her? B-Kerry fimed and sent me the footage right now. She seems to be having the time of her life. It's going to be and RT life.

R-Oh... B-Alright. I'll let you go man. Bye R-Bye. (end of convo)

Danielle is having so much fun. I want see that. Im not saying she wasn't having fun before but she hasn't looked her self for the while. Almost...gone. 

Kerry has brought my Danielle back and I thank him for it. I don't know what to do anymore. Danielle always had some thing in mind. Then the door knocked. 

"Hello." I say opening the door. "Hey Ray." May. Go away. You already caused me so much trouble." I shut the door in her face and I forgot to lock it. Dumb Alack move.

She walked in. "Nice place Ray. Changed up a bit since I was last here." She said. "Get out of home before I call the cops." I say.

"What are the cops going to do. Arrest me for visiting some one?" She says.  "When that some one is an un welcomed pest then probably." I say.

"At least offer me a drink. A glass of water?" She asks. "You know where the cups are." I say. I sat on the couch waiting for her too leave me the hell alone.

She sits next to me with 2 glasses in her hands. She sets them down on the coffee table. "Look!" I say pointing to the door. I switched the two cups, knowing May she might have put some thing in my drink. "Must've been nothing." I say. I grab the cup and I drink it. 

Every thing was starting to get blurry. My words were echoing in my head. "Shouldn't have switched the drinks." I hear her say. It was plan. She knew I'd switch the cups. "I drugged both of them so it wouldn't have mattered any ways." She said.

"Now. To have fun." She said. I blacked out. 


Kerry and I were going down the street on our new skate boards. I was going so fast. The rush of air going threw me was refreshing. We stopped for a quick break. "Starbucks?" I ask. "Sure. Follow me." He said. I gave him a head start. I caught up with him soon. We were nearing the city part which I didn't mind, I love bugging people.

We skated around people with groceries and people in business suits. Got yelled at by a crabby old guy but I was having too much fun. We arrived at our destination, hoping it was empty. It wasn't.

I booked it table and Kerry stood in line. I told him what I wanted and he was paying again which I fell bad for. I started to over think again. I started to think about Ray and I.

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