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Nandini completed her design in bigger paper and others three also ready with their accessories design. Then Manik comes to the conferences room and checking all the three design sketch for the accessories.

Manik: Tara what is this! Your accessories design does match the dress at all.

Tara: Sir I try something new.

Manik: It's excellent but does not suit the dress so Zaki I will finalize yours for the presentation.

Zaki: Thank you sir.

Manik: So Tara and Sujatha! Both of you will be helping Natasha with her work.

Tara& Sujatha: Okay sir.

Manik: Now both of you can go back to your cabin.

Both Tara and Sujatha leave the room and Manik continue...

Manik: Nandini since you have completed the design now work on the colour for the design.

Nandini: Okay sir.

Manik: Zaki even you work on the colour of the accessories. Make sure the colour of the dress and accessories match.

Zaki: No worries sir we will match them.

Manik: So complete your work by today and show it to me.

Manik goes from the room.

Zaki: Sweety didn't we tell you that our boss when comes to fashion house he is always fair.

Nandini: Yes you are right.

Zaki: So let's decide the colour now.

Nandini: Okay!

MANU FASHION HOUSE - MANIK'S CABIN - around 12pm same day.

Manik was busy with his work in his cabin then Cabir and Navya knock the cabin door. Manik become surprised with their visit. He quickly opens the door for them.

Manik: Come in bro and you too Navya (He goes and hug Cabir ask them to sit)

Navya: Cabir why didn't you tell me that Manik own a fashion house.

Cabir: Didn't I tell you it's a surprise so how could I tell you before coming here.

Manik: Even I want to ask you Cabir why you didn't inform me that you are coming here.

Cabir: Because it's a surprise visit Manik.

Manik: Really!

Cabir: Okey let me come to the point. Actually I have an important business related party to attend and I want to bring Navya along with me.

Manik: So?

Cabir:What so yaar? I want her to look stunning on the party so I want you to design a wonderful dress for her.

Manik: Okay!

With that Manik takes his fashion house design collection and give it to Navya.

Manik: So Navya, here is a collection of Manu fashion house design and choose which ever you like.

Navya: Actually Manik don't take me wrong but I have already have a design with me and can you make the dress using it.

Manik: I am so sorry Navya. It's against my fashion house rule as we only make dress from the design created by our own designers.

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