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Five weeks went by like that. We always managed to text each other every day. Things became even more relaxed and casual between us. Gone were the days where we would say we were leaving the conversation. Instead, we just left our phones and picked up the conversation at whatever hour exactly where we left off. We fell asleep texting each other a few times and inadvertently woke the other up some mornings. It's like there wasn't an hour, day, or night where I didn't talk to Grant.

We talked everything imaginable from our disgust of social media to deeper things like a future and family. We even talked about death but not in the morbid sense and talked about our own futuristic, idyllic society because we both were expecting flying cars to be thing by now.

However, Grant never told me about him being the famous Barry Allen and he never mentioned anything remotely too personal about himself. I got to a point where I wanted to just tell him that I know but, at the same time, I wanted him to know he could trust me and that I wasn't using him for his celebrity status.  So I decided a healthy medium would be to mention that he can trust me and that he hasn't been too forthcoming with information. I decided against listing specifics like how I instantly recognized him as the jerk I hated but really loved even though he tried to break up Klaine. I wouldn't dare admit in front of him that I felt the sexual tension between him and Santana in my stomach and wanted them to have just a quick, hetero moment.


Cam: Can I be honest with you?

Grant: yeah please

Cam: Talking to you is like jumping into a pool on a hot summer day...

Grant: 😊😊😊 Aww thanks

Cam: And then having to get out to go pee

Grant: Oh... Ok?

Cam: It's like wearing the best outfit in your closet and then going nowhere and no one seeing it. 

Grant: Cam..?

Cam: You're like a really good, KarJenner-level selfie with some idiot photobombing in the background

Grant: Ok. You done?

Cam: You're like having perfectly clear skin but feeling the pimple underneath the surface that's going to come the next day and ruin your life.

Grant: Did I do something wrong? Did I say something?

Cam: No you didn't and that's the problem. You don't say anything. Well, you do say things but you don't say things.

Grant: Ok... Can you break that down for me?

Cam: Grant, whatever this is between us-- I like it. But you don't tell me anything and you don't let me in. I feel like I know nothing about you besides the fact that you're 25!

Grant: 26

Cam: Exactly, my point. Look, I just want you to know that I'm in this until the end whatever that means for is and that I'm not going anywhere and that you can trust me. But I'm not going to ask you to tell me anything (not now or ever) but I want you to know that you always can.

Grant: Cam, I know I don't let people in but you have to know it's not personal. It's habit at this point-- I've had too many people just walk in and out of my life and use me for whatever they wanted and I'm a little guarded. They left me a little jaded.

Cam: I get that, honestly. I really do, but know that there's nothing you can do that would change my opinion of you 😉

Grant: And what exactly is that opinion?

Cam: It doesn't matter-- not like it's changing

Grant: That's EXACTLY why I need to know

Cam: Is this really a need? Or just a want?

Grant: A desperate, heart-tugging, gut-wrenching need

Cam: Oh, that doesn't sound kosher. Do you have a fever too?

Grant: 😑
Grant: I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.

Cam: 😂😂😂😂 Oh, sweetie, the moment you sent that first text weeks ago was the moment you lost the chance to be excluded from this narrative

Grant: Anyway... Thanksgiving is in a few weeks. Do you have any plans?

Cam: Nope, probably just going to go back home to Florida. I haven't thought about it too much really. It's like a month away. Why?

Grant: Well, I'm off and was going to be back in the city and I figured we could hang out and see each other.
Grant: I mean if you wanted to. No pressure or anything like that
Grant: And it doesn't even have to be the whole break because you probably want to see your family too
Grant: But you can totally get back to me if you want

Cam: How about I fly back from FL early and spend the rest of my break with you? I can fly back Saturday and spend the rest of that day, Sun., and Mon. with you.

Grant: Wait seriously?

Cam: Yeah... You did invite me.

Grant: Yeah, I know, awesome! This is going to be great! I can't wait

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