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After a couple weeks, I found myself accepting what was happening. Grant and I had proclaimed and confessed feelings for one another. We still hadn't assigned official labels though there was definitely exclusivity in our relationship, meaning I didn't call him my boyfriend but neither one of us was dating other people. The only thing that we were waiting on to make it official was really me, I guess. I hadn't want to commit to anything before seeing him again because I think part of me still thought I was being catfished. I think Grant, on the other hand, was ready to make it official on any social media platform the moment I called him at that ungodly hour in the morning, saying that I had ended things with Rob.

I remember telling Grant that I was unsure of how Rob was taking the news. Rob had been blindsided. We were having fun, hanging out, and making plans to see each other and really make some steps in our relationship. Grant's answer to my concerns, however, was something along the lines of 'I don't care-- just break up with him.' There wasn't really much of a breakup because Rob and I hadn't been dating in any real capacity-- we were still in the earlier stages-- but I still wanted to clear the air between us and make it clear that I couldn't be whatever he wanted in whatever way he wanted it to be.

This was one of the many things I thought about and did on my five and a half hour flight to Vancouver. I also found myself looking back at my texts with Grants and the timestamp. Not once when talking to him did I stop and think about the three hour difference in time zone change for him. When I texted him early a couple weeks ago, the sun had barely started to rise. When he texted me before my test at 1:00 PM, it was 10:00 AM there. He had managed not only to remember to text me but also the time change down to the minute. Most of the time, we spoke in the evening and into the night so it was early for him, but still not once did he ever say anything. I made a mental note to thank Grant and point out that I appreciate him for talking to me when it may not have been the most convenient for him.

I landed in Vancouver and tried to find my way out of the airport. This time, Grant wouldn't be waiting for me. He had to finish filming for the day before he was off for the weekend so there was a driver waiting for me at the baggage claim to bring me to the hotel where Grant stayed at while filming. A key had been given to the driver to be delivered to me so I could let myself into the room upon arrival.

The driver took the long way back to the hotel. I wanted to catch a glimpse of Vancouver while the sun was up before I retired into Grant's room. I had no idea when he would get off of work and what, if anything, he would want to do. Meanwhile, I at least want to get a few looks of the city and the quaint area surrounding where I would be staying for the next three days. As beautiful as the city looked, I crawled immediately into the queen-sized bed in the hotel room as soon I crossed the threshold. 

The mattress enveloped me in its warm embrace and I felt every inch of the mattress conform to every curve of my body. If I had it in me to count sheep, I would have been knocked out by the time I got to 'three.' However, that was not the case. I fell sleep nearly instantaneously without getting under the blankets and only managing to take off my shoes. I let my mind wander and fade away into a dream and I began to drift farther and farther away until I felt a soft, cashmere sweater run up and down my arm in my dream as I tried to rejoin reality. 

"Hmm," I let out a soft moan that slowly brought me to the real world. I felt something warm up and down my arm and something wet against the base of my neck, my neck, and my cheek. "Jett," I said swatting and fanning away from the side of my face, turning onto my side away from the animal. "Down, boy." 

 "He's with my parents but, wow, that's hurtful-- not really kosher to compare me to my dog there, Cam," I heard a voice speak up. It was a kind, joking voice with a light air to it. 

"Grant," I exhaled as I squeezed my eyes harder, hoping to sink back into my dream world and escape the reality where I mistook my boyf--er, Grant-- for his dog. 

"The one and only," he said as he wrapped his arms around me and brought me closer. He nuzzled his face into my back. "How was your flight?" 

"Good. Long, but good. There wasn't even turbulence." 

"Awesome, I know how that makes you nervous and antsy." I felt Grant put his head on my shoulder and I felt his eyelashes tickles the side of my face every time he blinked. It was nice and I didn't want him to move an inch and I think he read my mind because he didn't. 

"How was work?" I countered. 

"Great, but it kept me away from you for far too long." 

"School, distance, and life kept us away from each other." 

"I know, but knowing that you were here-- in Canada, in Vancouver, in my hotel, in my bed,--" I felt him leave a soft kiss in the curve of my neck before returning back to his position, "made every minute more agonizing than the last." 

I felt a huge drop in my stomach like when I'm riding a rollercoaster and the butterflies erupted, flying around my insides and crashing into the walls and into each other. I felt my face get so warm and my cheeks began to hurt because I was trying not to smile as much as I wanted to. "Uh, so what do you want to do? Tired? Do you want to stay in?"

"As long as I'm with you, I don't care." Grant's arms tightened around my waist and nestled into my back. "If you want to go out and see the city, we can."

"How about we go out, grab some food and some drinks, come back here and just stay in? We'll have all day tomorrow to turn this city on its head." 

"I like the way you think," I heard an exhausted Grant softly mumble. The lump of boy beside me didn't move an inch. Instead, I could've swore that I heard his breathing slow down. 

I couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. "Or would you rather I go out and bring a pizza back? That way you don't have to get up or deal with paparazzi or with fans spilling coffee on you." 

"Uuuughhh!!!" Grant let out a long exasperated groan and rolled over onto his back. The area on my back that he had previously been koala-ing now instead felt breezy and goosebumps made their way onto my arms. 

"What?" I said, sitting up to look down at him. His eyes were shut and his arms were completely outstretched as if he had just been sacrificed on the mattress. 

Grant only managed to bring his hands up and rubbed his face before running them through his hair. "Oh my God!" 


Grant's hands had gone back down to his face and he peeked out through his fingers at me, "You're going out and bringing back a pizza and presumably alcohol." 

"Yeah," I said cautiously, letting the voice drag out a little bit. 

"And I don't have to get up?"

"No, that's the point," I answered quizzically, unsure of where this conversation was going and where he had been for the last five minutes. 

Instead, he uncovered his face, sighed, and looking at the ceiling, breathed out, "Marry me." 

"Wow, you are redefining lazy. I'll be back in a bit," I said. I laughed a bit as I got up from the bed to put on my coat and shoes. Meanwhile, Grant just stayed in the bed, his hands behind his head, and watched me as I got ready to go. I grabbed my purse and took a hotel room key so I could re-enter without a problem. I figured I could order the pizza from one place, find drinks in another, pick up the pizza, and then return back to the room.  

"Oh, and can you get ice from the ice machine at some point before I get back please?' I called out over my shoulder as I left the room, preparing for this mini-adventure ahead.

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