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For the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, I didn't hear much from Grant and it was weird. After we promised to physically talk to each other more, we had one voice call but then everything fell off. By "everything fell off," I mean literally everything-- no calls, no texts, nothing. We would miss each other constantly. He'd say something and then I would answer hours later and by the time, he got around to replying all he could say was "Hey."

Since this all started about a week after we FaceTimed, I figured maybe everything was too much too soon too fast. Maybe the Physical Talk Clause was too much and he freaked out. Granted, it was his idea but maybe he felt pressured and that he thought I thought that we needed to change the dynamic of our relationship.

One way or another, he was gone. To be fair, I was gone too. I had gotten bogged down with work following midterms and was back in Florida visiting my parents. My nights and days began to just become weeks melded together until they were distant memories I had to strain to remember.

I wasn't the only one who felt it though.

Grant at 1:57 AM: Please be awake.

Cam at 2:04 AM: Hey

Grant at 2:06 AM: Hi
Grant at 2:06 AM: Perfect-- it's been forever!

Cam at 2:07 AM: Yeah, same. We keep missing each other

Grant at 2:09 AM: So are we still on for Thanksgiving this weekend? I was going to pick you up from the airport

Cam at 2:10 AM: Yeah, I guess, I don't know.
Cam at 2:10 AM: Are you upset with me?
Cam at 2:11 AM: And that's why you've been avoiding me?
Cam at 2:11 AM: Does this have to do with us trying to talk more? Do you think I'm clingy?

Grant at 2:14 AM: Whoa, slow down
Grant at 2:15 AM: No, I'm not mad at you or upset or disappointed. I haven't been avoiding you. Honest. I've just been busy

Cam 2:18 AM: Then how did we get here? Going from talking nonstop to responding to texts nearly a full day apart?

Grant at 2:20 AM: Cam, I promise, I'm not upset and nothing is wrong. Work just really started picking up and I've been working nonstop or sleeping because I'm so exhausted.
Grant at 2:23 AM: This weekend will be better, I promise. I'll be off of work, you won't have class, we'll be together, and everything will be fine.

Cam at 2:25 AM: Ok

Grant at 2:27 AM: I promise. How's Florida? You were visiting your family?

Cam at 2:31 AM: Yeah, it's fine-- they're all fine.
Cam at 2:32 AM: Hey, I'm going to go to bed. I'm not mad or blowing you off-- I'm just tired but I'll see you in a couple of days. I fly into JFK at 10:30 AM

Grant at 2:34 AM: Ok, great! I'll see you then. Can't wait 😍😍😍
Grant at 2:34 AM: Sorryyy *🙂🙂🙂

I locked my phone and turned over in bed to try and get some sleep. Up until now, it hadn't seem real that I would spending the remainder of my Thanksgiving break with him. But now, a few days before I'm slated to spend so much time with him, I'm excited and giddy and anxious and those butterflies are flying around and tickling my stomach. I tried to calm myself down so I could get some sleep but I couldn't stop myself from smiling in the dark and all chill that I had was gone.

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