001: The Christmas Present

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When I got back from Florida, I went downstairs to collect my mail from the Mail Room and saw a box with my name in it.

I had almost forgot! Grant had tried to mail my present to me before I left for home. He missed me by a day but he assured me it wasn't food or anything I needed to get immediately.

I took the box up to my apartment and texted him in the elevator.

Cam at 3:04 PM: Got the present! 🤗

Grant FaceTimed me immediately after I sent the text. I held the phone. "Hello?"

"Open it! I wasn't see your face when you open it!" Grant said excitedly.

"Ok, ok," I started. "Let me find something to put you on... and scissors for that matter."

I set Grant on the counter propping my phone up on the side of the toaster as I searched for scissors.

"So... how is your day?" I joked, making small talk as I looked for scissors. The wait was excruciating for him and he was ready to explode.

"Fine. Keys!" He suggested.

"Right!" I grabbed my keys and began to slice open the sides of the box.

"Wait, move the box. I want to see your face," Grant whined.

"Oh my gosh, you're like a kid right now." I slid the box over so it wouldn't block the camera and I pulled out a cute, soft sweater. It was navy with a white stripe going around the neckline and the end of the sleeves. On the front where a locket would be, my initials were embroidered in red: CMR.

"Aww, Grant, thank you," I gushed. "That was super thoughtful of you."

I've always been afraid of sounding fake when I opened presents but I really did mine the sweater. It was my style of comfy and functional. It was perfect for the winter, matched my scarves, was my favorite color (blue!), and it was personalized'

"Keep going," Grant smirked.

"There's more?"

He only nodded.

I reached into the box to find a bottle of a deep, mustard-yellow nail polish. I started laughing remembering an earlier conversation. "So instead of nail polish or an ugly yellow sweater, you got me a cute sweater and yellow nail polish?"

Grant laughed and nodded, "Basically."

"I hope you know this isn't a fluorescent yellow and I'm probably going to wear this color in the summer."

"Good," Grant started. "I knew you would get the reference but I showed the girls in Makeup and Wardrobe a photo of you and they assured me that that color would look good on your skin tone."

"Thank you for being considerate about my manicure. I'd still wear it thought because it came from you and it's our thing."

"Aaand, there's one last thing," Grant added.

I stuck my hand in the box one last time and pulled out envelopes bound together with a ribbon. "What is this?" I asked, not wanting to pull the ribbon.

"I know things were weird right before Thanksgiving when I was super busy with work and you had school and we kept missing each other," Grant started to explain.

"So, while I will do my very best and work hard to make sure that that doesn't happen again, I wrote letters for you just in case it does. They're 'Open When...' letters, so whenever you need me and I can't get to the phone, I can still be there for you. My own goal is to make sure that you never have to open any of these because I'll always be right there."

"Grant," I exhaled. I could only shake my head. "I don't know what to say." The hot tears welled up at the bottom of my eyes and I felt as if Grant and I had frozen in time.

"Merry Christmas?"  He offered with a smile.

"Merry Christmas," I replied and blinked back the tears.

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