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Cam at 11:38 PM: Heyyy
Cam at 11:38 PM: You up?
Cam at 11:38 PM: Wake up
Cam at 11:39 PM: I wamma talk to yo

Grant at 11:42 PM: Cam?
Grant at 11:42 PM: Oh no... you're drunk. Aren't you?

Cam at 11:46 PM: 😳😳😳
Cam at 11:47 PM: No...

Grant at 11:47 PM: How much have you had?

Cam at 11:49 PM: Not much-- just a few and I'm with Sean and Lilly and they're going to take care of me and put E in bed but I wanted to texy you

Grant at 11:52 PM: I don't think that's a good idea. You might say something you regret.
Grant at 11:52 PM:Who's Sean?

Cam at 11:57 PM: no I just wanna tell you that I think you're great and really sweet and nice and I like knowing you and I think you're amazing too and I wish we could hang out with each other more but you have work and I have school but regardless I don't regret spilling my coffee on you that day because these past four months have been the best four months of my life

Grant at 12:00 AM: Ok, ok that's really great and I think you're so amazing too and I love that we know each other especially because you keep me out of my head and down to earth and I'd like to think that you keep me around for some reason besides being a tv star but I'm glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and started talking to you because I would've missed out on one of the greatest people and greatest relationships 

Grant at 12:01 AM: wait, I'm sorry, who's Sean?

Cam at 12:01 AM: Friend

Grant at 12:03 AM: What kind of friend? Is putting you to bed? Can I talk to him? Who is this guy? Where does he live? Is he staying with you?

Cam at 12:04 AM: Friend.
Cam at 12:04 AM: Yea
Cam at 12:04 AM: No
Cam at 12:04 AM: Boyh
Cam at 12:05 AM: U\per West Side
Cam at 12:05 AM: Yeja

Grant at 12:06 AM: Who is he? I don't know if you should be trusting a random guy in your room and to be putting you to bed and staying with you, especially when you've been drinking

Cam at 12:08 AM: friend bye ilove you

Grant at 12:08 AM: Cam, wait!
Grant at 12:08 AM: No
Grant at 12:08 AM: Com back
Grant at 12:09 AM: Ugh.. bye
Grant at 12:13 AM: I love you too

I woke up the following morning with an insanely dry mouth and wearing slightly different clothes from the previous night. The skirt I had on the night before was crumpled on the ground besides my socks and booties and I was in the same shirt but wearing a comfy pair of boxers. I tilted my head to find my phone on the charger, two pills of aspirin, a bottle of water, and a note beside it all-- probably from Sean or Lilly, or both. I drank nearly half of the bottle of water immediately and dropped my head back on the pillow. There was no need for any medicine so I didn't take it and opted for just shutting my eyes and going back to sleep. As I shut my eyes, I heard my phone chime underneath my pillow. I pulled it out from underneath and saw a text from Grant himself. 

Grant at 10:19 AM: How are you feeling? 

Cam at 10:19 AM: I am so sorry that you were on the receiving end of those texts and I'm sorry that I was a mess and it won't happen again 

Grant at 10:22 AM: No, it's fine. I'm just glad that you're Ok. You said Sean was bringing you home and I was nervous because I never heard you talk about him before

Cam at 10:24 AM: Oh yeah, I was fine. Sean's a friend and he's great-- he wasn't going to let anything happen to me.

Grant at 10:27 AM: Sounds like he likes you...  

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