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Grant at 12:59 PM: Good luck on your test today! I know you've been studying for the past three days and it's a super hard subject but you're still gonna kill it because you're super smart and super great and you work hard and you never give up and I believe in you and I'm ranting but you're gonna be awesome and you're gonna make me even more proud of you than I already am. Ok, I'll talk to you later. And Jett says hi.

Cam at 2:17 PM: Aww you're so sweet, thank you! 🤗

Grant at 2:46 PM: How'd it go? How do you think you did?

Cam at 3:03 PM: I think I did well. I didn't have time to check because it took the entire class period for me to do it-- I spent 20 minutes on the first question alone.

Grant at 3:08 PM: But that's Ok-- as long as you got it right. Who cares how long it takes and how you get here as long as you get there?

Cam at 3:12 PM: My thoughts exactly. How's your day going? How has it been so far? With work? HOW IS MY BABY, JETT?!

Grant at 3:13 PM: Haha Jett's fine and misses you deeply though you two haven't met but work is fine. It's what you would expect. I'm on a break now so if I disappear, I'm going back to work. I'm not ignoring you.

Cam at 3:15 PM: I know you would never
Cam at 3:15 PM: But thanks for telling me
Cam at 3:15 PM: 😘😘😘

Grant at 3:18 PM: Anytime. The last thing I want is to face The Wrath of Cam 🖖🏻

Cam at 3:18 PM: You're a Trekkie?!

Grant at 3:19 PM: Judging by the reference I made to the franchise, that conclusion would seem most logical

Cam at 3:20 PM: I hate you

Grant at 3:21 PM: No you don't.

Cam at 3:22 PM: I really don't. What are you doing for Christmas/ New Year's?

Grant at 3:24 PM: Nothing major, probably just hanging out with the family. Why?

Cam at 3:27 PM: Nothing, I was just wondering

Grant at 3:28 PM: Do you want me to make a pit stop in NYC?

Cam at 3:29 PM: No

Grant at 3:29 PM: That was harsh. Thanks, Cam... love you too.

Cam at 3:30 PM: No that's not what I meant!

Grant at 3:30 PM: ???

Cam at 3:31 PM: If you came to NYC, I would like that and would enjoy being with you (assuming I'm here and not back in FL) but that wasn't why I was asking about your Christmas plans

Grant at 3:33 PM: Oh, then what's up?

Cam at 3:35 PM: Nothing, I just wanted to know.

Grant at 3:36 PM: Why?

Cam at 3:37 PM: No reason

Grant at 3:37 PM: Camryn Michelle.

Cam at 3:38 PM: Ugh, I was just going to get you a present and I wanted to know if you'd be in the States or not in case I had to ship it internationally and needed to find something early.

Grant at 3:41 PM: Oh man, now I feel like a jerk.
Grant at 3:41 PM: I didn't know we were doing presents

Cam at 3:42 PM: I don't know if "we" are but i was going to get one for you, regardless of whether or not you gave me one. Granted, I low key would want you to give me because #presents

Grant at 3:44 PM: Ok so what do you want?

Cam at 3:45 PM: I don't know-- surprise me. Something you think I would like or enjoy or need

Grant at 3:47 PM: Yeah but what do you want?
Grant at 3:47 PM: I feel like you have something specific in mind

Cam at 3:49 PM: Nope, not really
Cam at 3:50 PM: Just whatever you think I would like

Grant at 3:51 PM: And you won't be mad?

Cam at 3:53 PM: No... why would I?

Grant at 3:54 PM: So if I got you nail polish, you'd be Ok with it?

Cam at 3:56 PM: If you think I'd like the color and you picked it for me, then I'd love it

Grant at 3:57PM: And if I got you the ugliest, most fluorescent- yellow sweater I could find?

Cam at 3:58 PM: I'd ask you why that made you think of me but I'd love it just the same.

Grant at 4:00 PM: Hmm... 🤔🤔🤔

Cam at 4:00 PM: Didn't you say you might have to go soon? Shouldn't you be working instead of scheming of ways to ruin my Christmas present, Grinch?

Grant at 4:02 PM: Ha! So there is a way to mess up! You do want something!! What is it?
Grant at 4:03 PM: Don't worry about me--  everything's all good on this end

Cam at 4:04 PM: I promise you, Grant, I don't want any thing in particular. I just want you to want to give me a gift and it's something that you put some thought into.

Cam at 4:06 PM: You really don't have to give me a gift at all. Forget I even mentioned anything

Grant at 4:08 PM: No no no sorry. I think part of me was just expecting you to want something from me because, you know-- famous and whatever

Cam at 4:10 PM: You don't have to give me anything and you definitely don't have to buy me anything. I enjoy just talking to you and hanging out with you. Literally, just you being you is more than enough.

Grant at 4:11 PM: I'm glad I ended up texting you that day. I like knowing you
Grant at 4:13 PM: Wait do other people know about me and you?
Grant at 4:14 PM: Not like me and you like an us, so I guess just me

Cam at 4:16 PM: Yes and no
Cam at 4:16: My friends have seen like your name flash up--hehe, get it-- on my phone and they'd ask who's Grant and want to know if we're together or a thing or something but that's it

Grant at 4:18 PM: And what do you say?

Cam at 4:19 PM: Nothing

Grant at 4:19 PM: What do you mean nothing?

Cam at 4:20 PM: I just deflect and talk about something else.
Cam at 4:20 PM: Hey, look it's 4:20 😏😏

Grant at 4:22 PM: Touché

granted. // (grant gustin fan fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora