15) R.I.P. Bro Code

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I rushed to Jasmine's house first thing in the morning. I rang the doorbell, eager to see her.

"You're early," she said after opening the door for me. I stepped inside.
"So what now?" Jasmine asked in a sharp tone.

"Sorry about last night. I-..I- I was drunk...and I was...I was..." I decided not to tell her about the being friends thing. I heaved then slumped on her couch. "I'm so sorry."
I know she might never forgive me but I deserve it. She sat down beside me, not saying a word.
"I'm sorry." I hung my head. "I cared more about my stupid ego."

"It's fine," Jasmine replied casually.

"What?" I looked at her nonchalant eyes, staring back at my guilty ones.

"It's fine," she repeated.

She's letting me go that easy? Something's up. There's gotta be.
"That's it?"


"Alright, what's the catch?"

"Nothing," she said.

I know Jasmine. She forgives but she doesn't forget. She gave me her trust and I broke it. We will never be the same again...ever.
Damn it!


I thought about visiting Aliyah this afternoon. I heard about the thing that happened last night. It was all over the net. I want to see if she's okay.
Plus, now's a good time to come over. If she feels bad, I'll be there to comfort her. That way, she might like me as more than a 'brother'.

I rang Aliyah's doorbell, ready to be her superhero. Soon, she opened the door for me. "Jakob?? Wha-...what are doing here?"

"I just wanna see how you're doing...yknow, cause of the uhh..."

"I'm fine."

She actually really did seem fine but I want her to cry on my shoulder and thank me for being there for her. But no. This is reality and this is Aliyah. You can never expect things to be cliche.

"I know there's something more behind that strong facade of yours," I said, trying so hard to pry open her mind and heart.

"When I say I'm fine, I'm fine." I said in a firm tone. Jakob is starting to annoy me.

"Just so you know," he started, "you could drop by at our place anytime. When you're ready to talk about this, I'm always here. Remember that."

"Okay, thanks." I appreciated the offer.

"We could also talk it over someplace serene...or quiet. Like the lookout I showed you a year ago. You wanna go there? Tonight? I'm free tonight. Let's talk about this."

My blood started to boil. I did say that I'm fine, right? How many times do I have to say it?!
I've always gotten this feeling that Jakob likes me. And now that Ethan's out of the picture, he's trying to step up and take his place. It's obvious. You couldn't miss it. Ethan was never my boyfriend but we did have something special. I'm pretty sure Jakob was aware of it. I've just lost Ethan and now he's trying to be my next guy? Like...right now??? Couldn't he at least wait for a few months??
Ugh, the Bro Code is sooo non-existent these days.

He's like a vulture circling over my heart, waiting for it to get broken. And when the time comes, he gonna swoop in and feast on what's left of me.
...and that's what he's doing right now.

"Look, Jakob." I tried to calm myself. "I appreciate the kind gesture but I'm fine. I'm really okay."

I wasn't really okay to be honest (of course). I didn't completely lose Ethan but he lost what I had for him – trust. I lost a friend. Now, he's back to being some guy I barely know at my party.

"Oh...okay then," Jakob said a little disappointed. "I'll...I'll be on my way."

A heavy weight was lifted on my chest when he left. I don't want any visitors. I need time for myself. I need some time to think.
Maybe I should only trust myself. Ethan's doing affected me a lot.
Am I too gullible?
Am I easily swayed?
Do I trust people easily?
Should I stop making friends?
I hate it when I overthink.

He's The One [Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfic] (Book 2 of Not The One)Where stories live. Discover now