20) Punk Slut

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Billie and I are officially on again. Things went back to the way they were and I couldn't be any happier...


"Yeah, I love Green Day so much! I wanna write a song with them!" Vera Phillips, the rising star, said on the interview we were watching. I looked up at Billie who's got his arms around me.

"You gonna let this girl write a song with the band?" I asked.

Billie pursed his lips. "It depends."

"On what?"

"On how desperate she is." Billie said with a chuckle. "How could she - no offense Vera - possibly become a 'rising star'? I mean...I've heard her works and...it...ain't really my type."

"Bet she has connections," I said.

"I am afraid so," he sighed. "If somebody calls me about this, I'm gonna shoot my brains out."


"Adeline Records, this is Jason speaking." I heard Jason answer the phone. I watched him as he nodded, listening intently on the other line. "Sure," he finally said. "Give me a sec."
He put away the phone for a while then told the band to gather around.

"Who is it?" Billie asked.

"Vera's manager," Jason replied. Billie rolled his eyes then shot himself with his finger-gun. Jason stifled a laugh then put the phone on speaker mode.

"...uhh...is it good?" The guy said.

"We hear you loud and clear, Robert." Jason said.

"Okay nice," Robert clears his throat, "Hello everyone. I'm Robert Greyson, Vera Phillips' manager and I would like to talk to you about Vera's interest in working with you guys."

"Okay, what about it?" Billie asked with a hint of apathy in his tone.

"She wishes for you to sing the chorus of her song - which I already sent to your company's email."

"Uh...yeah, we've seen that." Tre said. Judging by his expression at the moment, he too isn't interested.

"So what do you think?"

We all exchanged looks. Since Billie is the frontman, the rest expected him to answer for us. All eyes were on him.

"Fuck you guys," he mouthed. "Uh...Robert?"

"Yes, sir?"

"Uhh...we are currently working on a new album so we're busy right now, I'm sorry."

"Oh! That's fine. Is Aliyah here?"

My eyes widened. The band waited for my say. "Yeah, I'm here."

"Oh good, do you happen to be interested in this? I mean look, you two are of the same age. You'll get along well!"

I managed to come up with an excuse. "I'm a part of Green Day's new album so, we're all going to be busy. Kindly tell Vera that we're sorry."

"Oh okay," said Robert, clearly disappointed. "Thanks anyways."

"You're welcome," Jason said then hung up. The air was filled with silence.

"Okay!" Mike started. "Back to work."


About a week later, the band received an invite to an exclusive party hosted by Vera Phillips.

"Should we go?" I asked.

Tre pursed his lips. "Well...there's free food..."

"Okay," Jason started. "Let's do pros and cons. Alright, pros."

"Free food!" Tre immediately said.

"True that," Jason concurred. "What else?"

"...that's pretty much it." Billie shrugged.

"I heard she's nuts man," Mike finally joined the conversation after being silent for a long while. "I was working on a project with a producer I know and he happens to have worked with Vera before. And hooo boy was it a blast."

We all leaned in to listen. "Girl's a brat," Mike continued. "She gets what she wants when she wants it."

"Well, she can't get us," Tre said with much determination.

"Yeeeeaaahhh....about that." Jason scratched the back of his head. "We're gonna perform."

"WHAT?!?!" The rest of us exclaimed in unison.

"Vera gave us a part in her party so we'd definitely come. And we'd look like douches who stood her up if we don't!"

"Great," Billie scowled. "Now we are to blame for her embarrassment."

"I told you she gets what she wants," Mike scorned. "Ugh, did you know that she's flirting with older dudes? Like...decades older, older dudes? I mean - judge me go ahead - but she's definifely a gold digger."

A heavy weight was put on my shoulders. My hairs stood up. I gotta watch out for this punk slut. No way is she gonna put her hands on Billie.


"Allllrrriiiiggghht! Let us now call Green Day on stage shall we?" The host announced. It was then followed by a round of applause. I was about to get onstage with the band when an arm suddenly blocked my path. I looked at the bouncer with a puzzled look on my face.

"The invite said: Green Day. Not Green Day and Aliyah."

I scoffed. Billie rushed to the side of the stage to defend me. "Sir, she's part of the band."

"I'm sorry sir; Vera's orders."

Well...They are Green Day after all. I'm just a kid who tagged along.

I gave Billie a reassuring smile and told him to go back onstage. The bouncer then put a hand on my shoulder and said, "ma'am, kindly follow me. Ms. Phillips would like to have a word with you."

"What about?"

"I do not know. I'm only following orders."


"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Aliyah." Vera said after swigging a beverage she isn't allowed drink. "Come, take a seat."

The bouncer escorted me to Vera, not leaving my side even after I was seated.

"You're probably wondering why I asked for you. So let's cut to the chase." She put her drink down and leveled her face with mine. "I know about you and Billie."


"Oh don't play stupid with me, Aliyah. You know what I'm talking about. You two have grown fond of each other in a very...very special way." She pinched my cheek. "I know stuff, hon. If I don't keep my mouth shut, Billie's gonna be in biiiiiiiig trouble," Vera pouted. "And you don't want that, do you?"

I lunged at her but the bouncer got me on lock. "Where are you getting at?" I asked through gritted teeth. She laughed haughtily.

"I want you to break things off with Billie or else I'll expose your little love story."

This can't be. Billie and I just got back together again and now she's telling me to break things off with him?!?!

We can't let the others know about us.

This bitch sure knows how to get what she frickin wants...

"Do we have a deal?" She asked me with much confidence that I'll agree.

I hung my head, weak and hopeless. I have to do this for Billie. "Yeah," I whispered.

"Nice!" Vera lively said, clapping. "Billie's going to be mine and I'll be the new Aliyah in no time."

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