17) Getting Away With It Again

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My mouth hung open as we all stared at each other, completely shocked.

"Mom!" Aliyah ran to me and hid behind my back like a child. "Billie's drunk, he kept on calling me Adrienne."

Billie blinked a few times, baffled. "Oh my gawd, I thought you were---and you were---"
He threw his hands in the air. "Your dresses look alike!"

I tutted and shook my head. "You've had too much," I scolded him.

I turned to Aliyah. "Honey, I'm sorry...ummm...ugh, I don't really know what to say...I...I'm really so--"

"It's okay," she told me. "Billie Joe Armstrong kissed me! Now that's just...WOW."

I chuckled but I still can't shake off the image of them kissing. It makes me cringe. It makes me feel like my insides are getting twisted in a...weird manner.
"Why don't you go on ahead, I'll just deal with Billie."

"Okay." Aliyah said then walked to the living room.
As soon as she was out of earshot, I turned to Billie. "What the fuck Billie?!"

"Huh?" He slurred. "I...I'm sorry...I thought you were---c'mere." Billie gave me a big sloppy kiss. I giggled then pulled away. What happened was an honest mistake. But still, it was totally awkward and cringe-y.
Awkward and cringe-y is an understatement.

I patiently waited for them to emerge from the hallway.
Gawd that was embarrassing!

I sighed and buried my face in both hands. Billie admitted that he still loves me. He even told me that I still care! Ughhhhh WHAT DOES HE WANT WITH ME?! Why is he coming back all of a sudden? He chose to let me go so he shouldn't come running back! Telling Billie that I still love him would be a huge mistake. That'd be stupid of me.
But I want him to knooooooow!

But what if he didn't think this one through? What if he only missed me so much tonight that he recklessly said those words to me? If that's the case, he'll grow tired of me again sooner or later.

But what if he's sincere? What if he really meant those words??
Then fuck me.

Soon, I saw Billie staggering to the living room. He was still in character.
"Hey," he called to me, pretending to be drunk. "I'm sorry."

I gave him a smile. "It's okay."

He gave me a nod in return then went to the kitchen. As soon he was out of my sight, my phone beeped. Billie's name was displayed on my screen. I opened the message and it read: Talk tomorrow? Please?

I stared at the message, trying to think clearly.
Am I ready for this? Gahd!
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You know what?
Fuck it.

"Okay." I texted back. I have a bad feeling about this. But...this is Billie. I love him so much! I started to love him way before he even knew who I was!
No matter who he is or what he's done...I'm still willing to take any chances.

I saw Aliyah seated on the couch in the living room. I became shy all of a sudden so I texted my wingwoman, Holly, for help.

I texted: Hey Hol, Aliyah's in our living room right now...ALONE...what should I do? How do I approach her?

I didn't even have to wait for a minute for her to reply.
She said: Try offering something to her...like a drink or a cookie maybe, idk anything! Dude, you could just simply sit down next to her and say, "sup?"
But then again...you're a chicken haha!

I chuckled then texted back: Ha-ha very funny...but thanks for the help! You've always been there to the rescue since day one (: glad to have you Hol, sometimes dad isn't just as helpful.

I smiled at Jakob's text. I know that he doesn't feel the same way as I but reading that felt nice.

I replied: Alright alright, no need to get all cheesy now.

After a couple of minutes, Jakob replied. He invited me over for their New Year's Eve party if I could come.
Hell yeah I could! And I most certainly would!
I quickly replied 'sure'.

I sighed dreamily then plopped down on my bed. Jakob is so infatuated with Aliyah.
I've known Jakob for years now and we never got any further than being friends.

I'll get my chance someday. I don't think Aliyah likes Jakob in that way, even! (No offense, Jakob) - based on my utmost observation.

He's The One [Billie Joe Armstrong Fanfic] (Book 2 of Not The One)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon