for her.

807 73 14

i think i like this girl

and it's not poetic there are no pink adjectives for her face

and blue ones for her mouth

and brown for her eyes no there is just

hammer-hearted breaths in between sips of

ice cold water (to cool heated bones)

and remembrances and

text messages i save to my cellphone hellos i save to my cortex i love yous i save on the back of my hands saved in my throat saved in my feet saved in my spirit saved in my soul

i peel off my flesh like orange skins

trade it in for a

bullet proof skeleton

try as you might

even heaven can't puncture this body of

this ocean of

this city of sisterly love ("you're my best friend; i love you like a sister, you know?")

there is a galaxy set for girls like me/us;

there is planet yes, she wants you; planet girl love, planet sisters don't love like this

as pretty as venus and thrice as big 

shining down on me in the form of one hundred little stars, with their glow like stickers on valentines which remind me of her which remind me of

her hands her hands

small her hands lined her hands reaching behind my back through the blouse around the vertebra

looking to reclaim what has always

been hers. it's got her name

on it. 

this is so bad omg,,,but i mean this is what happens when bae texts u and u Suddenly remember all ur feelings ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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