this isn't a poem...i talk about myself in this one

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rae did this so i'm doing this

have you ever...(loved someone so much you thought you'd die?)

skipped class?

not yet

done drugs





never...stealing is Wrong except of course when there is a legitimate morally justifiable reason behind it (e.g. you are going through tough times financially) (i am chaotic good amigos)

broken up with someone

yes lmao my first and only break up catalyzed the first and worst depressive period i have ever experienced in my life lmaooooo

what's your favorite....


the fosters, degrassi, skam, grey's anatomy, the get down ... only the Best Shows the world has to offer


judge me if you wish for i know this is a cheesy white indie film but the perks of being a wallflower is the best movie i have ever watched and i will support it until the day i die


candy rain by soul4real sets my heart on fire


i feel like i don't know enough artists to answer this truly but i love frida kahlo and her unflinchingness to depict strong topics + her unique style


miguel selena michael jackson the 1975 frank ocean kevin abstract kehlani steve lacy....faves


it used to be this day in fifth grade when i was coming back from a field trip with my friends...i was in my friend e's car and 'hey soul sister' was playing on the radio....we said we were going to make a band called the funky bunch and sing covers all the time... i felt so alive and pure with the windows down in the beginning of summertime singing along to a song with people that i really liked...i have never felt as pure since then i think

also last summer when i was moving (another memory involving song): we were driving back to our new house from our old house. it was very dark and the night was sticky and mosquitoes were buzzing buzzing. i had my hand and my head out of the window and i was singing edelweiss from the sound of music with my sisters and my aunt....everything just felt so perfect. the streetlamp and the moon and the mosquitoes and me

Also ALSO the first time i watched the perks of being a wallflower i cried for DAYS afterwards but i felt so full and complete ... i dragged it out for at least a month, watching small increments each day, and it felt like giving birth and funeral all at once to finish it


i'll give you the muthafuckin sun by jandy nelson

cookies or cake?

i loooovvvve cookies but cake boo cake is that goodgood

twitter or facebook?

twitter...facebook is the home of outdated memes and right-wing rhetoric and i don't need it

coke or sprite?

j'adore sprite. the burn soothes my aching soul

blind or deaf?

i dont think i could survive without music but (God forbid) deaf. there is just so much to see and experience that i cant bare the idea of being separated from.

tea or coffee?

i like nesquick hot chocolate

what's your....

star sign?

libra but i identify far more strongly with my (gemini) moon + saggtiarius rising


like 5'7 i think


a professional bisexual. a bicon, if you will

longest relationship

one month (and yet the break up Still resulted in the ruination of my mental health and self esteem lollll)

what's your opinion on...

gay rights?

rights should be allotted to every human being regardless of sexual orientation lmao also im gay so

second chances?

when they are warranted. u know when someone deserves one or not.


a person has the right to choose what they wish to do with their body! their body, their choice!

death penalty?

i do not like the idea of the lives of men being in the hands of a government that is so susceptible to corruptibility and i also believe that life imprisonment (im ignoring the financial cons and looking at it from a purely moral subjective perspective) is far more effective punishment for someone who committed a crime deserving of a death sentence so


do what you wish but be educated about the pros and cons it has on your health and overall lifestyle.


um lol idk it's nice. im not in a very lovey-dovey mood right now try again another day

Do you...

believe in ghosts?

i dont want to i actively choose not to out of fear but on the low i do

sleep with the door open or closed?

closed! wont have any demons snatching me from my bed on my watch or the Lord's! do what u can: close the bedroom door, and leave the rest up to Christ

have a bf/gf?

um yes her name is anita and omg she is so cute and smart and funny and brilliant and exciting we're so happy together @angelhour love u bbyg

like yoruself?

yeah im aight. see previous statement.

also I'm adding this question but what's your favorite song today? put me on some jams people 

thank you for reading i tag every person in the world 

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