into the woods

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hi this is the (edited) preface to a book i made in like august of last year not a poem but do it matter? No it don't. 

this story is about 

1. a deceased persian cat and dark chocolate.  2. a big girl with a push-cushion heart and knives for fingernails. 3. a too-tall boy with needles stuck into his gums instead of off-white canine teeth and nice arms  that know what to do to nice girls in the dark (hug them) but sometimes get confused (fuck them) and sometimes doesn't even know whether he wants them at all (pretty boys can kill you if you let them). 4. a slut (who's a slut only because she wants to be) and her bitch (an actual bitch, this time. joey. a pomeranian.)  5. a tree pockmarked by hot flesh and technicolor love and black bras strung through its roots and branches. 6. fifty percent of a father plus fifty plus percent of a rockstar with his dreams crushed like soda cans under car wheels (kind of like the cat) equals one hundred percent of nonexistent conversations and parent-teacher meetings rescheduled and eating dinner in the upstairs bathroom alone because i just can't stand the silence. 7. a Jesus who isn't white and cries just as much as the girls do. 8. a mother who isn't dead but just as still as the bottoms of swimming pools. 9. a flashlight with cop color replacements and an eternal battery life if you want it hard enough. lick the asphalt, drink the fear of black and brown kids walking in the streets, blue and red, blue and red. 10. holding hands with the Holy Spirit. 11. acoustic guitars and generic brands sweets that give you cavities by just thinking of them. 12. being scared. 13.  kissing your friends on the mouth and on the heart and forgetting about it (until next time). 14. being okay. 

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