come to my wedding

591 52 5

letter for husband

husband so

deep dwelling in the

stringy parts of my heart. this is where you can

live when things are too much outside. shut the shades over the

waxy windows. paint the world black

even blacker than i am on the inside

keep the light out if you want. the monsters can go

fuck themselves. i'll save you, like the prettiest coins on an

empty jar. i, the jar. you, the pretty coins. and should we separate?

well, what's money without a fist to hold it tight

or the pocket for it to jingle in? what's a cold bed without the warm body? the

skeleton without the cage for that

feral heart? the beginning without the middle to fill it up until the end?

what's left when there is nothing


this is sin we shall

never know.

letter for wife

wife o wife of whom i am so

bone-crushingly fond, wobbly on my

stone ankles in love, the loose brick in a holy pyramid,

falling out and making history — me and my

technicolor feelings on television, headline on the late night news: 

'woman slips one hundred million feet from heaven

onto a love so soft it

cushions her organs from the

damage of the crash

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