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hello good people! i need your help! 

in the name of academia, I'd appreciate if you could please share how you select your bio, your profile picture and background, when you change it, and why? what thought process and/or intent goes into completing these actions, if you have one at all?

EXPLANATION: i'm doing a project for my English class as an extension of the memoir we just finished reading, kook by *Peter Heller.  i was tasked with completing a 2-week study of the ethnography of a subculture of my choosing, mimicking the actions of the author in his memoir. such a study entails– making observations about the customs, shared goals, values, and lexicon of a subculture, a subset of people united by these common characteristics within a larger community (think a fandom or a religious sect). of course, because i smile in the face of difficulty and scoff at the notion of ease, i chose wattpad as my subculture. a part of this study requires field research, or observations made of a variety of people engaging in the subculture–hence why I chose to create this chapter! 

*in the throes of a midlife crisis, peter heller left his relatively stable life behind for an impromptu six month immersion into Californian surfer culture with his longtime friend, also in a state of life crisis. with no prior experience in the sport, Heller is dubbed a "kook", surfer lingo for a particularly inept novice surfer, by the locals. heller does achieve his initial goal–learning how to surf–during this time period. but as he builds upon his repertoire, alongside the skills required to balance on a wave, heller becomes well-versed in the ways and idiosyncracies of the Californian surfer. 

TL;DR–kook: surfing as a lifestyle, an identity, not a hobby. 

thank you so much for helping me out! feel free to private message me for more information about the project. 

- anita

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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