silent night

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breathing. we breathe in sync / in the sink there's a bottle of wine / the color of my blood i / breathe he breathes too in allegro harmony in / cut time / cut me open / time / breathe / there is a clock in my chest and her hands have been bitten off by / death's infant teeth so one second is forever and forever takes one second wouldn't you just / die? / for his love wouldn't you just / press your fingers through your own heart / for a baby who loves up on you? / on you like a bullet kissing the esophagus / like brass knuckles making love to a soft cheek / a baby of your own / with his own knives and sharpeners and morgue mind / i heard one time / through the crushed grape vine that / you don't need what you haven't got / do you need what you got? / a man so mine he bends and shifts my skeleton to fit his / body / we have the same sneakers. / his are red and mine are his and we match / where Death cannot reach / identical / where i cannot see / (shatter a spine like stain glass and / a black girl slithers out from the shards) is it red? is it red? / is it really really red? 

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