Chapter 4

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Joker's P.O.V.
I saw her, the girl from the bank, the one with the purple eyes! What was she doing her? And especially what was she doing kissing batsy!? Although I'm sure she doesn't know he's the b-man. I was so mad! But why, why was I mad? I shot at the ceiling and everyone froze, the girl and Brucey ended their little make out session and I could see the shock on her face. "It appears I'm late! Oh my how could I have been so rude?" I said being overly dramatic as always. "What are you doing here Joker!?" Batsy asked angrily, "Well I'm just here for the party!" I yelled back innocently, well as innocent as I can be. I looked around at the crowd, "Such a lovely audience, too bad I'm going to kill most of you!" I laughed as some of their faces filled with terror. "C'mon we need to get out of here." I heard Batsy whisper to the girl. 'Well here's a good opportunity' I thought. "Oh no no no Brucey! You're not going anywhere!" I said as I pointed my gun at the girl. "What are you going to do, huh? Shoot me again?!" She yelled, "Well I mean if you really want me to." I shrugged, "Doll, I'm going to need you to walk over here, or I'll...hmmm...shoot this couple!" I pointed to a young couple huddled close together. She started to walk towards me but Batsy held her back.

Porter's P.O.V.
Bruce tried to hold me back from walking over there, he looked worried, "I need to do this, I'll be okay." I whispered to him, I rested my hand on his cheek, "Don't worry." He looked at me and sighed, I knew he saw no other option. "Well, I hate to be a buzzkill, but can we HURRY THIS UP?" the Joker yelled. I looked up at Bruce and kissed him softly. He let go of my hand and I walked over to my doom.

Bruce's P.O.V.
I didn't want to let her do this, but I knew Joker would kill that couple. Clearly he saw something in Porter and maybe he wouldn't hurt her. I can only hope, she walked over next to him and he lowered his gun. "Well that's much better, doll." I watched in disappointment as they walked out of the building together.

Porter's P.O.V.
I knew I had to go with him, but it didn't mean I wanted to, really who would? (ME :D) We walked out of the building to his car, and he opened the passenger side door for me, "Wow your such a gentleman." I mumbled, "I know." he said laughing. Who does he think we are, best friends or something? He got in the drivers side and we were off. Man, he's a terrible driver!

(Rainbow Unicorn Time Skip... just kidding there's no unicorn I've lied to you all)

Joker's P.O.V.
I mean out of all the people Batsy could go with! My luck was just fantastic tonight! We pulled up to the warehouse and I opened the door for her. We walked in, "You can stay in Harley's old room, doll."
I said to her. She looked uncomfortable around all of my goons that were in the living area. "It's right down that hall." I said pointing in the direction. She slowly made her way down the hall. "Doll," I started as she looked back at me, "It's Porter right?" She looked a little confused but she nodded her head yes.

Porter's P.O.V.
Why does he care what my name is? I'm just his hostage. I walked down the hall, meeting a red and black door. I guess this is it. I walked into the room and was immediately disgusted. Basically everything in here is pink. 'This is disgusting' I thought. I looked around the room and found some old pictures of Harley and the Joker. And some of just Joker, I noticed the creepy lipstick marks all over the pictures. "Someone's a little obsessed" I mumbled to myself. I laid down on the bed, surprisingly comfy. I was exhausted after today, I should get some sleep, seeing as I'm probably going to be here for a while.

A/N: Wow okay, I feel as though every time I write a chapter, it's extremely boring! Are they boring? I'm really not sure, but hey, Porter got kidnapped! Yay...? Also, are these too short? I would love any helpful criticism! Make sure to comment and vote! I love you all

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