Chapter 8

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*double update? double update.*
-What Does This Make Us Now?-

Porter's P.O.V.
When I woke up, I was back in my room, I guess J carried me here. 'He's so sweet' I thought suddenly. That shocked me, no he's not? It seemed I was having an inner battle. He's so kind to me, but he's a murderer! How could I think he's sweet? I say up in my bed, contemplating what the hell I was going to do about the fact I most likely had feelings towards the most feared man in Gotham.

Joker's P.O.V.
Last night, after Porter fell asleep, I carried her to her room. 'She's so beautiful' I thought.

At first, I thought she would just be my hostage, someone I could easily kill. But her smile, her laugh, her stunning eyes. She takes my breath away. As I was sitting in my office thinking, one of my men entered and said that we had a problem.

I followed him down to the garage, when most of my men spend their free time. "Attention men!" I said giggling and my signature smile on my face, "It seems as though we have a mole! Well what are we gonna do about that hmmm?" I looked at them. Some were shifting in their seats, others were standing, looking at each other. "Well which one of you is it?!" I yelled, causing some of them to jump. "Sir..." one of my men said softly. "What?!" I yelled in his direction. "Um boss...Rob's not here and uh some of us were thinkin that he was the mole..." he trailed off. "Well, thank you for your cooperation!" I exclaimed, I pulled out my gun and shot the man in the head. "Now fellas, where's Rob?" I asked.

Porter's P.O.V.
I nearly shit myself when I heard a gunshot come from the garage. I quickly made my way down the staircase that led to where I heard the gun. I immediately covered my mouth when I saw a dead man lying by the door and J standing in front of his body with a gun. I got out of his view, surprised that he didn't see me. I watched his actions,

"Let's put a smile on that face! Shall we?" he exclaimed. He flicked out a knife and stuck it in the mans mouth. He drug it up his face, leaving scars identical to the ones J possesses. I was in shock, what did that man even do to him? Another man entered through the back door of the garage and J immediately turned to him. "Ah, just the man I wanted to see!" J said menacingly. What the hell was up with him? Just as I was about to face him, a goon grabbed me and took me into the garage. "Hey boss, this one was spying on us." he said with a smirk on his face. J turned around and I saw his eyes fill with rage, "Well you idiot, she lives here, so why don't you let go of what's mine?" he was trying to keep calm. Why? He's never kept his cool around anyone, except, me I guess. The goon pushed me towards the ground, and J lost it. He pulled his gun back out and shot the man, like he did the one prior. "Now, I never told you to do that." he said to the dead body. He made his way over to me, and I ran out the door to my room. I slammed the door and locked it, throwing myself on the bed. I cried, I didn't even know why I was crying. But I cried, and after a while, I heard a soft knock on the door. "Go away!" I yelled through my tears. "Doll...I'm sorry you had to see that.  Please let me in." he said. He sounded generally upset, which confused me even more. Knowing I would probably regret it later, I slowly unlocked and opened the door. His hair was all over the place, and the first few buttons on his shirt were undone. I'm sure I didn't look any better. "Doll..." he whispered. He pulled me into a hug, "I'm sorry."

I looked up at him, and I could have sworn I saw him almost crying. He looked down at me. Our faces were mere inches apart. And before I knew it, the gap between us closed. It was nothing special, just a small, short kiss, but it meant the world to me. When we pulled away I asked him,

"What does this make us now?"

A/N: Whoop whoop. Double update, I figured I should cause the last chapter kinda sucked. Again I say, more interesting things will happen in the future. I want to thank you all for almost 200 reads! You guys are great. Don't forget to vote, I love you all!

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