Chapter 10

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A/N: I just want to say a quick thank you to @misthaj for the nice comments, your awesome!

Bruce's P.O.V.
The warehouse house was in view, I knew this must be Joker's hideout. I grappled my way inside, regretting it immediately. I came face to face with the one and only Harley Quinn. "Howdy Basty!" she yelled and swung her bat at me. I ducked and we fought, Joker must have heard all the noise, because he ran around the corner and saw us. He relaxed as he saw it was me, "Well, well, well, Batsy, what're you doing here?" He exclaimed. I knocked Harley unconscious and faced the Joker.

"Where is she?" I growled. "Who?" He asked innocently, "Oh, you mean Porter." he giggled. "What did you do to her?!" I yelled. "Well, I didn't do anything!" he said shrugging. Just as he said this, Porter rounded the corner and her eyes widened. "What the hell?" she asked. I pushed Joker aside and walked up to her, to which she backed away. "I'm here to take you back to Gotham." I said softly. "Oh Batsy," Joker sighed, "She's not going to go back with you." he shook his head. I looked back at Porter, she looked between me and the Joker. What the hell could be keeping her here?

Porter's P.O.V.
I didn't want to go back. I never thought I'd say this, but I wanted to stay with Joker. J stood up and looked at Batman, "She can leave if she really wants to, I'm not stopping her." He said simply. I was free to leave? "C'mon Porter!" Batman said to me. Wait, no, it couldn't be. Could it?

"Bruce?" I asked. He stiffened, "I-I was going to tell you sooner but..." he trailed off. I walked over to him and removed the mask, sure enough, Bruce Wayne was under there. I stood shocked for a few moments. "Porter, we can leave, let's go." he whispered to me. I looked over to J, he looked worried. "N-no" I stuttered and turned back to Bruce, "No, I'm not leaving." I said firmly. "What did he do to you?" Bruce asked, he brought a hand up to my cheek, but I swatted him away, "He didn't do anything to me!" I yelled, "At least he didn't lie about who he was!" Bruce looked to me, "Yeah and who's that? A monster?!" he yelled back defensively. "Your no better!" I got in his face, "He didn't lie, you did. That makes it worse, I know what J's done, and at least he had the decency not to hide it from me." I growled. I stormed out of the room, I couldn't face him any longer.

Did I really just defend Gotham's most wanted criminal?

Joker's P.O.V.
I was worried for a minute there, I honestly thought she was going to leave. What would I have done then? I actually think I love her. No wait, I do love her. I looked at Batsy, "Well looks like she knows your little secret." I said giggling. He went over and picked up Harley, whom I totally forgot was unconscious. "Where you takin her?" I asked. Not that I really cared, "Back to Arkham." he said angrily. "Aw, c'mon Batsy, you can't be that angry that I stole your girl!" I said laughing. Before I knew it, he was back outside, driving away from my now, not so secret hideout.

Porter's P.O.V.
I was mad at Bruce, mad at everything. I was pacing around my room when I heard my door open. I didn't even bother to face whoever entered, it was probably J. "Doll, are you alright?" I heard him ask. "I can't believe he lied. What the hell?!" I yelled. I felt two arms wrap themselves around my waist and a head press to my shoulder. "He left right?" I asked. "Yeah he's gone, took Harley with him." "Thank god." I whispered. He chuckled, Harley really was proving to be quite annoying over the few days she was here. I'm just glad she's gone, she'll probably be back at some point, but right now, I just wanted to be with J. I turned to face him and I gave him a hug, burying my face in his chest. "I just don't see how he can call you a monster." I mumbled. He picked my chin up so I could look at him. He looked confused, "You don't think I'm a monster?" He asked. "Of course I don't" I said simply, "I don't care what people think about you cause I know the truth, J your not a monster. Your my hero." I stood on my tip toes and gave him a small kiss. He looked shocked, "What?" I asked him. He smiled, "I guess now is as good a time as any." he shrugged, "Porter." he said. "Yes J?" I asked curiously. "I'm in love with you." I looked for any trace of humor in his face, I saw none, "You are?" I practically whispered. No one has ever said they loved me before, and now Gotham's biggest criminal, just said he loved me. He nodded, "I don't see how I couldn't be." "J, I love you too!" I said excitedly. I hugged him tightly, and he laughed, "You mean it?" he said. I gave him another kiss, "Of course I do." I whispered.

I don't think anything could have ruined the happiness I was feeling.

But of course, something did.

A/N: Whadda thinks happening next hmmm? I'm so glad you guys are liking this story, it means the world! I also have some news, updates might take a bit longer because schools starting for me. Freshman orientations tonight! But I promise to keep writing for you guys. Don't forget to vote and comment. I love you all!

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