Chapter 12

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Part 12
(Time skip from the last chapter. Jokers at the places Porter's being held.)

Joker's P.O.V.
Porter is being held at a shipping dock, there's a small building and I'm guessing that's where she is. Some of my men are circling around the building now, the rest of us are preparing to go in.


This place is freaky. It's clearly infested with rats, and there's blood on the ground. As we reach some lab, I start to hear laughter. It's Porter's, but before I could reach her, a group of guards jumps out at us. I quickly duck into a room to the side of me, with some of my men following. We close the door and block ourselves in with a metal chair. Two of my men pick up a table and lay it on it's side. The few of us sit behind it and prepare for the guards to burst in. I suddenly hear a, "Stop! Stop you idiots!" The banging on the door ceases, "Mr. Joker, now I know we're not on the greatest terms, but I'm afraid I'm going to need your help, it's regarding Porter." Whoever the hell was talking sounded urgent, "Scarecrow, I swear to hell and back if that's you!" I growled. This had to be a trap, he can't expect me to be this stupid, well clearly I am stupid because before I even realize it, I'm moving the chair away from the door. Damnit, what is this girl doing to me? I open the door and lift Scarecrow up by his collar, his glasses fall to the floor. "Now, your going to tell me, where's my doll?" I said, with an evil smile on my face. "S-she's right o-over here but I assure you, y-you don't want to go in t-there." Right now, this guy seems more afraid of what's in that room than me. How disappointing. He points to a lab at the end of the hallway. I drop him to the ground and make my way over, "Porter?" No response. I hear her laughter again, "Porter! It's J!" I yell. Still no response. I reach a door in the lab, there's a basement and her laughs are coming from down there. I run as fast as I can without tripping down the stairs, the sight I see... well it was nothing that I was expecting.

"...Porter?" She turned to me, a huge smile on her blood covered face, knife in hand. "Hello, you must be Joker. Porter's told me so much about you."

A/N: Hello all you lovely people. Please don't hate me! I am so so so sorry i haven't updated in like forever. I started school again and i was trying to get used to the schedule. But here is your update! Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all.


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