Chapter 7

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Porter's P.O.V.
For once, I felt well rested. And as I turned on my side, I came face to face with J. Wait, did I just call him J? Ignore that. I was kind of shocked he was in my bed, but I remembered last night. He had his arms wrapped protectively around me, and I kind of blushed. He actually looked peaceful, some of his hair was was in front of his eyes. Strangely, this 'monster' as people called him, looked quite adorable. His eyes fluttered opened and I was lost in thought, still looking at him. "Like what you see, dollface?" He mumbled. I blushed yet again, and looked away. He took one of his arms away and put his hand under my chin, making me look at him, "Are you gonna tell me what that dream was about?" "...My dad...and uh, Scarecrow." I mumbled. I tried to look away from him, but with his hand under my chin, it wasn't working. "Scarecrow?" He asked, "Have you ever met him?" I nodded, "Yeah, well I met Jonathan Crane. I uh, kinda don't really wanna talk about it, if you don't mind?" I asked, I didn't want to make him mad, though I really don't know why. "Okay, dollface, you hungry?" he asked me. I nodded softly. He chuckled and pulled me to sit up, he stood and picked me up, bridal style. I laughed, "What are you doing?" I asked in between laughs. "Well you said you were hungry, so I'm bringing you to the kitchen, doll." He laughed as well, and not his scary, nightmarish laugh, a real genuine laugh. When we reached the kitchen, he set me down on the counter. "How come you call me doll?" I asked. I was curious, "Why you don't like my nickname for you?" He fake pouted, "No, I love it." I exclaimed. "Well good." J said while pulling out some eggs from the fridge, "So are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna help me?" he asks. "I think I'm just gonna sit here." I said giggling.

I wasn't sure what I felt around him, he was a monster. Or so I was told, I can't see how he could be a monster. Sure, he kills people and yeah, that's bad. But I can't get over the feelings I get when I'm with him. When I'm with him, adrenaline pumps through my veins, and I feel like I'm on top of the world. I never felt this way with Bruce. But he isn't a crazy murderer. I was so lost in thought, I didn't even realize J was talking to me. He put his hands on either side of me, his face was only a few inches away from mine. He tilted his head to the left, "Doll, are you paying attention to anything I'm saying?" "Um, sorry, I was just...thinking." I said shaking my head, "It's not important, what were you saying?" He chuckled at me. "Your foods done." He said handing me a plate.

We ate in a comfortable silence, and when we were done, I washed the dishes. Just as I finished, J came up behind me and picked me up by my waist. "J!" I yelled. "Awe doll, did u call me J?!" He said excitedly. He plopped me down on the couch and sat down next to me. I crossed my arms and stuck my tongue out at him. He put his hands up in surrender, "I was just gonna ask if you wanted to watch a movie." he mumbled. "Don't you have fancy Joker things to attend to?" I asked. "Not at the moment" he sighed. "So a movie, huh?" I asked.

Went spent the next few hours watching Insidious, with me jumping every five seconds, and J laughing at me. "It's not even scary!" He said. "Yes it is!" I whined. He placed an arm around me and I buried my face in his chest after being scared, yet again. We watched a few more movies, and the day flew by. Before I knew it I was asleep yet again in the arms of the Joker.

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. This is just a short, cutesy chapter, more of a filler. But don't panic! (at the disco) Things will only get more exciting from here! I'm working on some big stuff, so look forward to the updates in the next few days! Don't forget to vote, I love you all!

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