Chapter 11

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Part 11

Joker's P.O.V.
I woke up, everything was spinning. She was gone. Did she escape? No, she wouldn't have done that. As I sat up, I noticed the broken glass everywhere, and a note.

Dear Mr.Joker,

What's your worst fear? Because I now know what your girls is, her father correct? Beautiful little thing she is, too bad I'll have to kill her... you mustn't worry though, I have a partner! Someone I'm sure she'll truly be so happy to see!


That son of a bitch, he has her. Who knows how long she's been gone, or how long I've been out? Rage was boiling throughout my entire body, I need to get my doll back. I quickly regained my balance and stormed down the staircase to the garage. Most of my men were there, this would have to be good enough. "Men! We have a problem!" I started, "It appears my princess is missing, and my dear friend Scarecrow, has taken her. So...GET YOUR ASSES UP AND HELP ME FIND HER!" I yelled. They quickly stood up after I yelled. We need to find her, now.

Porter's P.O.V.
"Are you scared? Oh I really hope you are." I hear a creepy voice coming from my left side. I open my eyes and immediately a headache takes hold. All I can manage is a small, "Mhmm..." I close my eyes again and slumped back in the chair I'm assuming I'm tied to. J would come and find me right? He said he loves me. "Oh darling I know you worst fear." I hear in a creepy sing-song voice. My worst fear... scarecrow, he has me. "What're we gonna do to her?" I heard another voice ask. That voice... I know it. I opened my eyes completely ignoring the raging headache. My eyes widened at the person I saw standing in front of me.

"D-dad?" I whispered. No, no no no. He can't be here, he's not here. It's the fear gas right? It has to be, but they're talking. "Dad?" I ask louder this time. His eyes widen at me. "So, your the Joker's whore now?" he asks. "W-what? No he loves m-me." I say softly. "Please, who could ever love you?" he scoffs. He was right, how could J ever love me? But that's not what's important right now. I need to get away from this monster. "Did you really think you could stay away from me? Dear, your not that smart, actually your not smart at all." he says. I was done with this. He treated me like shit all my life, but I was done. I was angry now, "The fact that you couldn't find a better word to use than 'smart' just proves that you are unqualified to make judgments on my intelligence." I said, tilting my head to the side. He walked up to me and slapped me across the face. Sure it hurt, but I wouldn't show him that. So what did I do? I laughed, "Yeah, sorry pops that didn't hurt at all, you hit like a four year old." He was angry, and it was hilarious, so I laughed more. "You slut!" he yelled, "Yeah, yeah, why don't you go tell it to the dad I actually liked, oh wait, you killed him." I shrugged. This was a game, and I was winning. I could always win in an argument, ever since I was little. But what did Scarecrow have to do with it? "Hey! Fear dude!" He turned to me with an unamused look on his face, "Fear dude, really?" he asked. "Yeah, what do you want? As my dear ol' dad says, I'm quite useless." I say. "Your needed, your Jokers new toy. I need him here so he can 'save' you and I can use this on him." he shook a vile in front of me. I was slightly scared for J, but he could handle himself, right? he would know it was a trap. Hopefully.

Joker's P.O.V.
Me and my men found that Scarecrow is holding her at some shipping dock. I feel like this whole thing was far too easy, but I was going crazy without Porter, well more crazy. But we found her.

A/N: Sorry, sorry it's short I know. I love you all!!

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