Chapter 13

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Part 13

Joker's P.O.V.

There is no way this is Porter. Except, it looks just like her. "Porter? W-what are you talking about?" She laughed, "Porter's not here at the moment. Please leave a message." Jesus, she's even crazier than I am. "If you're not Porter, who are you?" I ask. "Wouldn't you like to know?" She says rudely back. "Yes I would that's why I asked?" I have a feeling sarcasm will get me nowhere with her. She glares at me, "Hmm. Well my name is Serene." How ironic. Somehow I feel like there is nothing 'serene' about her. "And uh.. why are you basically possessing my girlfriend?" Just curious you know. "I've been with Porter for a very long time. You can thank her dear ol' dad for that.

Why don't I tell you a little story?" Story time huh? Eh why not.

"When Porter was little, she was aloud to see her father. Not very often, granted, but she saw him at least once a month. On one of those fabulous days, Pops here was introduced to a fella known as Jonathan Crane. He offered him money, and lots of it, if he could test a serum on Porter. He insisted it wouldn't do any harm, if anything she'd just be afraid of, well everything for a little. At the offer of money, her father agreed. Porter was brought to Scarecrow's lab and the serum was tested. Except, instead of making her afraid, it made me! I never really came out much to play. Only when Porter was angry or in danger. But as she grew older, she shut me out. She shut everyone out. She thought she was a freak, having voices in her head and all. Granted, normally she would be kind of insane, she didn't know I was real, very real. When she was kidnapped by Crane, she summoned me to help, as a last resort. And so i did."

She gestured to the mound of flesh at her feet. "Is that...?" I start. "Her father? Oh yes it is!" She giggles, "One must conquer their fear and all that, right?" "Uh... right." Don't upset the crazy lady. Don't upset the crazy lady, "So um.. where is Porter?" "Oh she's fine! I can bring her back if you want." Serene offers. "Uh. Yeah please do that. Just um.... not here. I don't want Porter seeing this." Referring to the remains of her asshole father. "Could you do me a favor first?" Serene asks me. "Yeah what is it?" I ask. "Could you um... just tell Porter you shot him? I don't want her to know I did....this. I think I got a little carried away." She shrugs. "A little?" I chuckle. She looks up at me with a less... insane smile. "I can do that." I say to her. "Great." She follows me out of the shipping dock and sits in the car. "Ready?" She asks me. I nod. "Okay..." She whispers. She closes her eyes.

Porter's P.O.V.

Jesus my head hurts. Uh.... what just happened?

A/N: So I guess I had a little inspiration? I haven't updated in forever... geez. I forgot how much I love writing! School's finally over for me and I've just been wanting to write.... so here it is! Thank you all for sticking with me and reading this weird book. Don't forget to vote! Love you all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2017 ⏰

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