Part 2: Another Chance

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~ Part 2: Another chance

Setting: Sapphire's house

Sapphire's POV

"So how did it go?" Stacie asked when I walked into the house.

"That was the worst blind date ever!" I said walking over to my couch and sitting down.

"What happened? I thought you liked Chris Brown?" Stacie asked looking confused.

"He was flirting with the waiter right in front of me. I love his music but his personality sucks." I said taking off my heels.

"Aww I'm sorry boo." she said wrapping her arms around me.

"Don't worry I'm use to it." I said.

"I know something that's gonna cheer you up!" she said jumping up and down.

"What?" I asked.

"Cookies N Creme Ice Cream!" she said jumping up from the couch and running into the kitchen.

She was right. I love ice cream it always seem to put me into a better mood. I got up and walking into the kitchen.

She already had the ice cream and two spoons out and ready for us to eat.

"Sapphire what happened to your old boyfriend?" Stacie asked opening the container and digging her spoon into it.

"I don't know he was perfect he just disappeared." I said also digging my spoon into the container.


- Next Morning -

I work for the Vibe Magazine. So I had to get up and get ready to go into the office today.

I got up , walked into the bathroom , and took a shower.

After my shower I lotioned my body up , I then put on my office clothes , and 6 inch heels.

I always had to dress up like this because I have clients to meet for the magazine. I help interview people and also take pictures.

I grabbed my purse and I was on my way.


It was a very busy day today. The office was a mess and people were running wild all over.

"Sapphire!" my boss said once she seen me.

"Yes Boss?" I asked sitting in a chair across from her desk.

"I need you to interview a very important client of mines. Your the best so I know your gonna do your job well." she said.

"Well where are the questions?" I asked.

"That's the problem your gonna have to make a few of them up on your own. Make sure their good and intresting." she said staring at her computer.

"What time and where?" I asked.

"In a hour and in your office." she said.

How the hell did she expect me to make up 20 questions in a hour?

I didn't say that though I just got up , grabbed the file of the client off the desk , and then left.

I walked into my office and got to work on the questions.


I was on the last question when I hear a knock on my door. I looked at the clock and noticed an hour had passed already.

I got up and straightened my dress and then walked over to the door to open it.

I was shocked when I saw Chris Brown on the other side.

"You're the client?" I asked.

"Yeah baby." he said walking into the room.

He just called me baby. 😩😩

"sit right there." I said pointing to the seat across from mines.

He did what I said and I sat across from him.


He answered every question except the last one.

"This is the last question. Do you always sing about your relationships?" I asked.

He rubbed his head and said "That's what people always look for. They look into what my life is or my personal life so I rather incorporate it into my music as a story so I can tell my life is what it is"

"Ok we're done." I said setting my pad of paper down on the table.

When I said that he didn't get up he just sat there a stared at me.

"What?" I asked

"Look I'm sorry about what happened last night." he said staring into my eyes.

"yeah ok." I said messing with some papers in front of me.

"I'm really sorry." he said grabbing both of my hands forcing me to look into his eyes.

He looked really sad.

"I accept your apology." I said.

"I want to make it up to you. How about another date? No Joking around this time." he said.

"No thanks." I said snatching my hands back and getting up to leave.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Please?" he whispered in my ear.

He was so close his lips touched my ears.

"Ok but you better not mess up this time!" I said leaving.


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