Part 6: The Groupie

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~ Part 6: The Groupie

Setting: Zero Energy

Sapphire's POV

Chris was back there with a girl kissing all over her.

"This room is a little busy." he said still kissing on the girls neck not even looking up.

"We know." I said.

He must have recongnized my voice because he stopped kissing her and pushed her away.

"Sapp-(GCO)" he started to say.

Instead of standing there I went back out to find Stacie.

I walked all over to find her and still couldn't find her. I decided to keep looking.


I found Stacie in the bathroom puking her guts out.

"Told you not to get wasted." I said looking at myself in the mirrior.

"What happened?" she asked.

"What do you mean what happened?" I asked.

"I know when something's on your mind." she said washing her face with a paper towel.

"I seen Chris." I said .

"Oh shoot girl did y'all talk? What happened?" she asked waiting for me to answer.

"I seen him with another woman.He was kissing all up on her." I said.

"Aw dang. I'm so sorry for setting you up with that nigga. I thought he was ready to be in a relationship." she said hugging me.

"It's ok." I said with watery eyes.

I was not about to cry over a nigga. Never again.

"Come on the party isn't over yet." Stacie said washing and wiping her hands off.

"You still want to be here?" I asked.

After seeing Chris I kinda wanted to leave.

"Yes. It's only 11 lets stay here for a few more hours." she said grabbing my hand and leading me out the bathroom.

The first place we went was the bar. We sat down and ordered us a couple of drinks.

"You always drinking." I said to Stacie while she was shoving two shots down her throat.

"Being drunk makes everything seem funnier." she said ordering one more.

I drunk one of my shots and decided I wanted to dance.

"I'm gonna do dance." I said standing up.

"Wait I'm coming too." she said grabbing the shot she just ordered and drinking it.

I grabbed her hand and we pushed passed everyone to get into the middle of the dance floor and started dancing.


Stacie was dancing all drunk like and a bunch of men were all up on her but she would always push them back. I was dancing more on beat to the song which was "Wutang Forever" by Drake.

I soon started singing along to the song.

I felt someone wrap their arm around my stomach.

"You have a nice voice." Chris said.

I could tell it was him because of his scent and how deep his voice was.

"Thank you." I said grinding on him.

He was not forgiven but I was gonna show him what he is missing and then leave him standing here.

He started to breath slowly.

"Damn ma." he said kissing my neck from behind.

I knew he loved what I was doing so I stopped and walked away.

I looked back at him to see him staring at me.


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