three :: Mr. Casanova

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three :: Mr. Casanova

I was woken up by my stupid alarm clock the next morning, I rolled around to turn it off and flopped back down to my blue mattress bed. Another dreadful day of school which means another school day of Henry Phillips. I groaned, recalling the day before. I had to go and meet with him after school by the school car park to get Tom-the-egg from his daddy. The word "daddy" sent me into a fit of giggles. Mr. Casanova being a dad to an egg sounded so ridiculously funny.

I groaned, burying my sleepy face on my pillow. I didn't want to disturb my family nor make them think I was having period cramps, or worst, wake the dead up from my groaning. I rubbed my eyes, and got up for a long hot shower. I turned my head to see the time; it was already seven o' clock, and school starts at twenty past eight. Another groan escaped from my lips, I only have a few minutes to get ready and had to head out for school.

I swung my legs off the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I stared at the girl in front of me who looked just like me; that's because it's you, you dimwit, I thought. Through my reflection, my red hair was sticking in every direction, my green eyes bright and wide. I gained a few more freckles these days because I'd been hanging around outside in the sun, give it a few more days hanging out in the sun would turn me into a freckled-face. I studied my heart shaped head, turning my head at an angle. I wondered if my jaw was too sharp or my face was just boring to look at.

Sighing, I grabbed my toothbrush and cleaned my teeth. I was just about to rinse my toothbrush when I heard my neighbour yelling through the window. It really wasn't a surprise to me since I was used to my old crazy neighbor yelling at people, people who seemed to be scared of crazy Golley. The poor woman was a widow, her husband died quite a while ago. It was an accident apparently, but with Mrs. Golley talking to herself would definitely make you run off. One time, a kid my age was dared to knock on her door and Mrs. Golley came out looking like a witch. The kid ran off and pissed on himself, there was a massive wet patch between his legs. The poor guy never came back.

I smiled at the memory and ran a brush through my copper curls before I went for a shower. Half an hour later, I came out looking so pink that I could have been mistaken as a human pig, though I wasn't sure if that even exist. I got dressed and descended the stairs. The whole Goodman family was sitting on the table, huddled together as if they were discussing strategies in a basketball match.

That was my family. Always stick together as if we were a bunch of octuplet babies, there was eight members in the Goodman family. Huge right? I had five siblings; three older stinky brothers' and two older sister' whom were quite immature. And that leaves me, the youngest sibling in our family. And there was my parents, as well. Each everyone of us defines weird and weirdos.

"Did you see the latest news about Miley Cyrus? How she twerked at the MTV Awards in front of many people?" Bethany said, flipping through her latest copy of Magazine. She was the third child in my family, though sometimes I suspected her as an premature baby through the way she acted.

"Maybe you shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong, don't you think Beth?" The oldest brother; Chris said. There were times when I adore my big bro, times when he wasn't being a complete asshole or being so overprotective. Though we had shared a couple of genes, there was two things I was sure about us being siblings; our greatness of being stubborn and were both born in November.

Casting a few looks around me, I chose to sit with my third brother who was too busy chewing on his cereal. My family wasn't much of a talker when were in meal, but that doesn't stop Beth from talking either. Five dark-headed heads shook their heads as if that will put my sister to shut up.

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