six :: wakeup call

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six :: wakeup call

There were times when I hated being the youngest and having such a huge family. They were to interrogate you, torture you and embarrass you. Like it was happening right now. The whole Goodman members were sitting before me, stern expressions on their faces. I wasn't liking this,  not even one bit.

Even my four cats were sitting next to Chris who's face told me he was disappointed. I stole a look from my cats, they had their blank expressions again. I bet if cats could talk, they could have already slapped me on the face and said "You little daft girl, why did you come home late? You don't have much friends to invite you to their house to do some girly stuff. You're a loner"

The situation I was in didn't helped me one bit. Especially, the fact that I was lacking of popularity while my siblings were all bright shining stars in front of many others

I got home half an hour later which made the time ten-thirty now. My curfew was at ten, and I never broke my curfew. Ever. And now I had to face such consequences, such as telling my parents' why I was late.

"Look, I'm sorry I came home late. A friend of mine gave me a lift and I kinda had to wait first" it wasn't a total lie. I did have to wait for Henry to finish his shower and whilst I was getting dragged around by his sister Candy who seemed a little too enthusiastic, which had been fine with me.

"A friend of yours? Isn't Danika your only friend, honey?" my dad asked, and adjusted his askew black-rimmed glasses. Judging by the growing stubble on his chin, it seemed like he forgot to shave again. Or maybe he chose not too.

My eyes darted to my mother, I was surprised she didn't get any whisker burns. I stopped my thoughts right there before it wandered off to some gross parts, which to my opinion,  I did not want to know or wanted to get scarred forever.

"Danika's not the only friend I have, dad. I've got Holton and Hen-" I cut myself,  and thought if Henry was truly my friend. Which I bet he would have found ridiculous. "Danika's not my only friend" I continued, and held my breath if they would believe me.

My mother spoke, here comes the frightful lesson. "But that's not the point here, Leona Adelaide Goodman." Uh oh, the full name. This was turning out badly, "The point is you came home late and broke curfew. That had never happened before, had it, love?"

I had to choke down the food I ate earlier, I didn't want to make such an appearance and I could tell my parents' would not appreciate it too. My dad interrupted my thoughts suddenly,  "No, I presume not" he started stroking his stubble chin thoughtfully. He'd always done that whenever he was lost in his thought.

The rest of the Goodman family members were still staring at me, as if I was some fascination to any of them. I was starting to feel uncomfortable and thought, What happened to "All for one, one for all"? did it not occurred to them I was needing a little rescue right now?

"Our little sister's grown up. I was surprised she was late home, and she finally graduated from being Miss. All-Goody-Two-Shoes" Beth remarked, smirking.

That sparked my anger, "I do not act like goody-goody two shoes, Miss. Rebellious"

"But the real question is,  who was she with?" Chris chimed in, looking so curious.

Oh boy, this wasn't good. Not at all.

"Yeah, who were you with?" Ronan, my third brother asked.I looked around me, my parents' were too looking and the rest of the Goodman members. 

The thing about having three brothers and two sisters was that they were a little nosy. Like there were times, when they would ask me what I ate or why I ate it. It was like I was in a court room and I was being judged by the crime I didn't do.

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