eighteen :: the last time

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eighteen :: the last time

"W-what?" I asked.

"Look, I really don't want to talk about this on the phone. Can't we meet somewhere?" Dane repeated, his voice sounded desperate.

I gulped, and felt unwanted emotions stirring within me. Bile rose up my throat at my ex-boyfriend's words as it finally sunk into me. He wanted me back. But what was the point? Didn't he want the only thing that most guys wanted from girls? 

"Dane, why are you doing this?" I whispered, I felt my eyes moistened without me even knowing. 

"Leona, I want you back. You heard me very clear, I really do. Seriously, can't we meet somewhere so we can talk about this?" his voice sounded like a plead but I didn't had the will in me to fight with him. 

I sighed quietly over the phone and agreed to meet with him. I came downstairs a few minutes later with washed face and no distress in my reddened eyes. My brothers' were not in view which made it easier for me to go without explaining where and with who. I grabbed a spare key on my way and closed the door of my house behind me. Since I didn't have a car, I decided to change into my running gear and pound the street so I could a little time to myself to keep my thoughts and self together. My mind raced on what my ex-boyfriend wanted to say, and what he thought about me and Henry. The thought of Henry saddened me even more, the memory of the kiss had seemed like a bad idea to think about right now. Not when my ex wanted me get back to him. But what would Henry thought if I said yes to Dane? Would he get angry, annoyed perhaps? Wasn't it best if I not continue our fake relationship? It wasn't like I needed him to always check on me right?

The sight of McDonalds came to my view, and I slowed down. Not wanting to hurry up, and perhaps I could think of what I would say to Dane. But what was there to talk about? Didn't he broke up with me? Dumped me over a text that had seemed like it didn't bother me at first but now as I realized and pondered about it right now, it truly did left me broken-hearted but I guessed I was too blind to see that. I'd been distracted with so many things, and that included Henry. Who seemed to be always in my rescue, trying to defend me for my will?

Dane got up from his seat and marched towards me, he looked so relieved that I almost laughed if it weren't for the fact that I had butterflies in my stomach. "Hey," he said, smiling down at me. I was slightly taken aback by his dazzling smile and I was almost surprised by how good-looking my ex-boyfriend really was. It had been a while since we'd last talked like this, like we were actually boyfriend and girlfriend material. But that had been once, this part was the making out part which had been accorded by Dane. I still wasn't sure if I would have him back even if he did say he want me again, a small voice inside my head had warned me that he might only wanted to get in my pants or maybe it was something a lot deeper?

"Hi," I said, and smiled back. But my smile wasn't meant to be flirtatious (not that I'd ever done it before) but more likely to be polite like if you would smile at an older man. 

"Come on, I'm sitting over there" Dane pointed by the window, a meal for two had been ordered. I nodded and he took me by the arm, his grip light and gentle on mine. Had he always been like this gentle with me when we used to be together? Or was he doing this now so that he could reassure me that he wanted nothing but to actually love me? We made our way to the table and I chose to sit down opposite from him. I didn't trust myself to sit next to him, not when I had the chance to get my heart broken again. 

"Don't you want to sit next to me?" Dane pouted, he was using his puppy eye look again.

"What did you want to say?" I said, and lowered my gaze down so he wouldn't see the betraying emotions that was there. 

I heard him sigh, and replied "I know what I did was such a bad thing. I wasn't expecting to be forgiven straight away but I really want to get back together with you”

I knew his blatant straightforwardness shouldn’t shocked me but it did, it had thrown me off-guard. “W-what are you trying to say, Dane? You broke up with me over a text without even explaining why. All you said was, “I need some time alone, it seems like our relationship isn’t working out” and that had left me denying that I wasn’t heart-broken.” I was mad at instant, recalling what a jerk he was when I received the text. How dare he mess my life? Hadn’t be been the one to cut the connection between us?

“Do you really have to rub it in my face, Leona? What did you want to hear? I apologized remember? I had said I was sorry and I really do mean what I said. I us to be together. Please give me another chance” my ex-boyfriend begged, he was sounding desperate and clingy now.

“Look, Dane. I don’t think it’s such a good idea to have a relationship with you again, it didn’t work the first time and personally I think it wouldn’t work the second time. I’m sorry” I said sincerely, feeling my anger fade away as I started to think about my feelings towards him. I didn’t also mention that he didn’t apologize in the first place, but that was a different subject after all. 

"A second chance is all I'm asking, Leona. Please, I swear I would treat you better than I did before" Dane said, sounding remorst and heart-broken, Wasn't this what I wanted? For him to be hurt just like I did? 

"No I don't think it's worth it this time around, Dane. I can't risk my heart to get broken again and personally, I think it's better for us to just go in our seperate ways. I had thought about this a long time ago and since you were the one to walk away, it was my turn now to do so" I said, finality dripped into my voice.

I stood up from my seat and so did he, I was about to turn around and walk away when Dane gripped my arm not to gently this time. He looked at me with a saddened expression in his face and surprisingly, the back of my eyes stung with tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Dane. But I have to go" my voice wavered and I stormed out of McDonalds. I sucked a lungful of air in, and let it out. A tear had spilled down my freckled-cheeks, I wiped it away and got myself together. This wasn't the second time I had cried over Dane, but I knew it would be the last.

After another moment of calming myself down, I had finally ran back home and sleep all this off as if it had just been a bad dream.

Hey Guys! Here is chapter eighteen and I know it's short so please don't hate me for that. I just wanted you guys to see what was going to happen to Dane and Leona. And next chapter would be longer than this one because I know you guys wanted to know what's going to happen to Leona and Henry now so I will work my butt-off on writing the next chapter and also, this book might go on slow updates since I have an important biology asessment on Thursday so yeah. Please don't forget to vote and comment and show me your lovely support on this story and many many thanks for the votes and comments for the last chapter. Also, please follow me on Instagram @Nhica0117 :) 

Enjoy xx

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