ten :: truth

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ten :: truth

"You ought to tell your parents' were together"

I frowned and turned my head around to cast a glance on Henry's way. His gaze was transfixed on the road, his fingers tightened on the steering wheel. His jaw was set and his stubble was growing again, although he'd shaved a few days ago. Henry had insisted on giving me a lift home as soon as our last class finished and just after another day of school.

"About us? What do you mean, Henry?" I asked, playing innocent. I widened my eyes a little more to add up to the effection. He tore his eyes away from the road and glared at me quickly before he averted his eyes again. 

He was quite for a few minutes, then spoke. "You might as well tell your parents' that were together" 

I turned on my seat, "But were not actually together" I reasoned.

"Yeah well, if you want to convince your ex that were together, you might as well tell your parents'. Didn't you introduce him to them?" he asked.

I sighed, "I did. And I think they still think I'm with him, I haven't told them about the break-up of course" Not that I was planning on telling them about it, but since my fake-boyfriend brought it up; I guess I had to do it anyway. Sooner or later. And that soon was now.

We stayed quite for the rest of the ride, and I wasn't used to this Henry sitting beside me; all quite and not usually himself. We parked in front a black car, which seemed quite familiar tp me. I frowned and leaned my head forward that my face was nearly touching the car screen. Henry looked at me with a funny expression on his face, "What are you doing?"

 "I think I might've seen that car before" I said, and pointed ahead of me. 

Henry looked at where I was pointing and arched an eyebrow, "A visitor's maybe?" he suggested but I just shook his head.

I ducked out of the car, and waited for Henry to get out himself. I was nervous, and my hands and feet were covered in sweat. I'd never been this anxious before since I was six, when I had to start my first school. 

"Come on, it seems like your whole clan's waiting inside" he pointed out, and held a hand out to me. I stared at it for a moment, and just about forgot my nervousness. I took a deep breath and told myself that my pride was in stake, and I had to get through this if I wanted to prove Dane wrong. 

"Alright, let's do this" I said, and laced my sweaty fingers through his blindly. I was surprised at the size of his palm against mine, our hands just fit fine. We walked towards the Goodman's door, and before I could even manage to turn the knob, it swung open and it gave me a slight heart-attack. I would have fallen down on my knees if it weren't for Henry's hand in mine, and a face-stoned Chris appeared in front of us. 

His eyes slid down to my fake-boyfriend's hand laced through mine, and all emotions was washed away from his face. "They're waiting for you in the living room" he said and I nodded. Chris locked the door after us and my legs felt like Jell-O and I stumbled. Henry grabbed my arm up and righted me up, I gave him a crooked grin as a thanks.

"Thanks" I voiced out, and sucked in a breath when I realized my family wasn't alone. They had company. And it was the last person I wanted to see right now.


That was how I remembered the car, it was his car. He used to take me out for dinner in that car when we used to go out. That explains my situation right now.

I cleared my throat and said, shakily. "Hey, everyone" 

No one answered me, my parents' had that grim look on their faces again. My siblings looked passive, emotions were all wiped away just like Chris's. Until Dane spoke, "Hey, you"

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