thirteen :: complicated

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thirteen :: complicated

"Leona? Is that you?" 

My mother called out just as I opened the door. Her voice seemed to be coming from the kitchen and she sounded controlled, and edgy. I wondered what I did now. I sighed and closed the door behind me and dropped my bag at the foot of the stairs. 

"Where are you?" I called back, poking my head on their bedroom but she wasn't there. "Mum!" I said again, but this time I heard her muffled voice in the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge to grab a snack but grabbed an apple instead, and made my way towards my mother; ready to listen what she would say this time.

The rest of the Goodman family was out, some of them were tied up in some activities but since I was the youngest, and the most not out going person, I was home most of the time. I took a bite on my red ripe apple and leaned against the doorway of the kitchen. My mother's feet were propped up on another chair and an open magazine on her lap. 

She was wearing her glasses while reading and she looked up at me, fixing me with her stern gaze. "Sit down, I need to talk to you Leona Goodman" 

Leona Goodman. 

This was the second time I heard my mother say my full name this month. 

I guessed I was in another trouble.

"No thanks" I said, and took another bite from my apple. "I'm fine with standing"

It was my mother's turn to sigh, and took her glasses off. "I heard the other day your friend Henry got into a fight with your boyfriend" she started. I frowned in response, wondering who "my boyfriend" she was indicating to. Did she mean Dane?

"Mum, Dane's no longer my boyfriend. We broke up ages ago and Henry's my boyfriend now" I confirmed, and tried not to roll my eyes. 

I guess she was still hung up with the fact that Dane and I broke up. Well, since he dumped me anyway. I couldn't tell my mother what actually happened, although even I, myself didn't know what to say if she ever would ask me what was the reason behind our break-up when I didn't even know myself. 

"He got into a fight. With Dane, Leona. You know as much as I do that I don't accept such behaviour. I don't think you should continue seeing him dear" my mother said with a finality tone in her voice. 

My bitten apple was halfway in my mouth when I heard her, I was thankful enough that I hadn't taken another bite and I could have choked just hearing my mother's words as in sunk into me. "W-what?" I squeaked.

"I want you to stop dating that boy Henry" she declared simply.

I shook my head, my heart pounded and a rush of blood rang through my ears. No, this couldn't be happening. My mother couldn't be saying those words. This was a dream, no a nightmare. I knew I would wake up gasping for air and soon enough I would feel a lot better. 

But when I pinched myself, I realized this was real. There wasn't any joke mingled with the situation I was in now. "No," I said, my voice sounded shaky even to my own ears. "I can't do what you want me to do Mum. I just couldn't" 

"What do you mean no? I'm your mother, you should do what I tell you to!" she screeched, her voice still sounding calm and reasonable. 

"Mum! I can't just break up with Henry just because you want me to! That isn't fair" I tried to reason, feeling my temper rise. 

But you're not actually dating him, Leona. Why couldn't you tell her you and Henry are just pretending? For the sake of saving your face in front of your ex-boyfriend who broke up with you without you knowing the reason?

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