nine :: insanity

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nine :: insanity

"Are you insane?!" Henry hissed quietly to my ear. 

I smiled weakly at Dane and reached out to grab Henry's hand. I felt my nails dug into his flesh, and I was sure I would leave crescent marks on his skin. Dane's eyebrows creased, his thick, bushy brows drawn together. He looked confused and unsure. His hazel eyes came down to meet mine, as if waiting for me to clarify what was happening. 

I laughed again, my voice came out as a croak. There was butterflies fluttering inside my stomach, I suddenly felt nauseous. But I couldn't back down now, I could be called a liar and my pride was in stake. And not to mention the lifetime humiliation.

"Honey - babe, it's alright. I guess it's time to tell them about us, don't you think?" I said, and nearly choked out on the endearment in my tongue. I prayed that Mr. Casanova would play along and not say the opposite of our story.

"The time to tell about us, huh?" Henry said, his fingers slid up to my bare arm. It kept trailing up and stopped to squeeze my shoulder. I tried not to squirm how much pressure he put, and focused my attention to our situation instead. 

"Yeah, you know. How were dating for about, er, two weeks, was it?" I said softly, dragging my eyes away from my ex and met my new fake boyfriend's gaze. I widened mine a little, and pressed my lips tighter than I should have. I gave him a bright, fake smile so he would get the hint. 

Come on, Henry. I need you to work with me here. Don't embarrass me. 

I didn't know if he got what I mean because he lifted a plucked eyebrow at me - wait, what? Henry Phillips plucks his eyebrows? Was there anyone else in this school who doesn't pluck their eyebrows? Especially, the guys? Although to be frank and to my forever shame, Holton did too pluck his eyebrows. 

"Right, babe" Henry finally said, and returned my tight fake smile. 

His fingers dissapeared from my shoulder and I stiff led a shiver that made its way up to my spine. "Alrighty, I'll just take Henry for just a few minutes." 

"About to make out, are you?" Danika teased, she was enjoying this as much as I was. 

"Haha, very funny. We'll be back in a moment" I said in a gritted teeth, sending my best friend a death stare.

I didn't bother to get an answer from them and stirred Henry away to a quite corner for a chat. When were out of earshot, I faced his startled face and smiled apologetically, I felt everyone's eyes on us, Hayley's probably shooting daggers at me and if looks could kill, I could have been lying cold and dead on the floor.

 I took a deep breath and glanced up at him. "Look, I know you're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about. But I need your help, Henry."

"You need me to pretend to be your boyfriend" he clarified.

I laughed, softly. "Y-yeah" 

He ran his fingers through his dark dishevelled hair and muttered a curse under his breath. I suddenly felt remorse eating me up, it was so unfair and selfish of me to just drop the bomb on everyone, especially him not knowing what I had planned. But that was the thing, right? I didn't plan this at all?

"Look, I'm sorry for the just dropping it like that. I didn't have a choice but I really need you to pretend for me. I wouldn't ask you for help if I had time to think and form a plan" I said.

I caught a muscle jump on his set jaw, a five hour stubble had already formed on his jaw. It gave him a man-ish look that just added to his good looking features. The guy was oozing with sex appeal.

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