Chapter 4. Shopping.

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"You ready?" I picked up the pillow and threw it at Leah. No I was not ready to get up. 

Mason and I ended up staying at the Clearwater house last night. The pack were fighting and I didn't want Mason kept awake by all the growling, barking and snarling. So Sue pulled out the porta-cot she had stashed away and Mason and I camped out with Leah.

I just told Leah that Sam and Paul were fighting and I couldn't be bothered dealing with it, it's not like I could tell her the truth about the giant wolves trying to kill each other in my front yard. 

"Get up" Leah hooked her hands around my ankles and pulled me out of bed. I squealed as I flew across the room, landing on my ass "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Leah froze with her hands covering her mouth in shock.

"What the hell Lee?"

"I didn't mean to pull that hard, I didn't know I could pull that hard" I stood up rubbing my ass that will probably be bruised later. Leah was apologizing but I could see the smile behind her hand and her shoulders were shaking.


Our attention snapped to the porta-cot as Mason let out a high pitched squeal and laugh. 

"Mase thinks I'm funny" Leah walked over picking up Mason.

"He also thinks it funny when he poops all up his back" Leah snorted "But that's only funny when you do it to daddy isn't it?" Mason blew bubbles and pulled at Leah's hair excitedly. 

I hadn't planned on staying here so I didn't have any spare clothes. Leah will just have to share and get over it. I walked over to Leah's wardrobe pulling out some ripped skinny jeans and a black shirt. 

"Liv hurry up!" So damn impatient. I pulled on some black heeled boots and grabbed my baby bag from the floor. I'm pretty sure everything is still in there.

I ran to the kitchen grabbing a bagel from the table and shoving it in my mouth and refilling Mason's bottles for our shopping trip. 

"Morning!" I went to reply to the Clearwater family but quickly realized they weren't talking to me, they were all gushing over Mase.

Good morning to you guys too. 

"How's it going at the house?" Harry questioned giving me a pointed look. He knew when I said that Sam and Paul were having an argument that it meant there was pack trouble. You could never get anything passed Harry.

"Yeah good, Sam messaged me and told me everything has calmed down"

"Must have been one big argument" Seth mumbled with his mouth full of food. 

Harry smirked and dismissed the conversation. 

"Let's go before all the good sale stuff is gone" Leah and I were road tripping to Port Angeles today as there were about 10 stores having clearance sales and we needed new back to school outfits, especially since it will be my first time back since having Mason. 



Two hours, 6 shops and 5 bags later and I was ready to collapse. 

I found a seat outside of the shop Leah was currently rummaging through and settled there with Mason, he had fallen asleep after the fourth shop and I've never envied him more. 

I thought this shopping trip was going to be a 'get in and get out' situation but apparently Leah had different plans. Which worries me, she has never been a big shopper, Leah has always hated shopping and now all of a sudden she can't seem to stop. Something must be wrong.

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