Chapter 43. Danger.

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"Oh god" We ran passed Brady and Collin's, unconscious bodies on the ground. I could hear their breath and heart beat so I'm not too concerned with them right now. What I'm concerned with is my son. 

Leah rounded the corner into the back yard and froze. I pushed passed her and immediately my heart stopped. Jane stood in the backyard holding my sleeping son while her brother Alec stood next to him holding Paul by the throat in the air. We only just made it in time.

"Liv? Liv, I can't feel anything" His eyes were darting between Mason and myself. That was one of Alec's powers and without Bella as a shield, we were screwed. Jane and Alec. The worst two to have an encounter with on your own.

"Let them go" Leah's voice was strained but she still managed to portray some strength. I reached forwards and linked hands with Leah squeezing tightly. 

"If I go with you will you leave them alone? Leave Olivia and her family alone and take me. Do whatever you want with me but leave her and her babies" I squeezed Leah's hand tighter. She shouldn't feel like she has to protect me. We can take them. If we work together and get them before they use their abilities on us.

"No" They were smirking. They wanted us both. And they knew right now that they could take us both.  I started shaking. If I could take them out now then she wouldn't feel like she had to do this to protect me. I let the loud grumble out from within me and felt my spine start to move. I felt Leah start to shake next to me. We had to fight our way out. A heavy hand landed on my shoulder, I quickly whipped around connecting my elbow with their cheek and reaching for their neck. I didn't even need to see them to know they were Volturi. I could smell more of them lingering. 

Another vampire started charging me as well and I could see from the corner of my eyes that Leah was also locked in combat with two vampires. 


I collapsed to the ground writhing in pain with Leah next to me. Our mouths were open and we were trying to scream but we'd lost the ability to make noise. Jane was smiling at us on the ground in pain and Alec was holding out his free hand. My vision started to go black and my ears blocked. I couldn't feel anymore. He was taking away our senses. 

I used what little strength I had left and reached out my arm grabbing Leah's hand. I couldn't feel her hand in mine and I don't think she could feel mine in hers but I could see it. We will stick together no matter what. 




"They were watching us. They knew we'd leave them behind and out of harms way" Olivia was gone. Leah was gone. And Mason was gone. They took them and all we could find when we got back to Sam's was their blood and some unconscious wolves. 

"It's all my fault! I should have killed them. I should have tried harder" Paul stood up and threw a punch at a tree "Why did you send her back? They would have just taken me!" I had no answer. I don't know what to say to him. I lost her, I let her down. "They took my son!" 

I saw the punch coming but I didn't feel it, I couldn't feel anything. Not until I know she is safe. She could be in danger, they could be hurting her and there's nothing I can do to help them. 

"They took my pack and they took my son! I tried to fight" Paul was an inconsolable mess. Even Rachael couldn't get near him.

Seth was also a mess in the corner, he had lost his big sister. Paul was distraught and snapping at everyone and anyone. We hadn't told Sam yet. But I know he will come after me for it. And he should. It's my fault.

She's gone because of me.

"We need to think of a way to get them back" Jared was taking on the role as the responsible person even though he was also a mess. None of us could even bear to imagine what they are doing to them. "We need your help" Jared turned to the Cullen's who were also gathered on the lawn. They also felt very guilty about the girls and Mason getting taken. 

"Either way they would have taken Mason, but I should never have sent them back here alone" Edward was taking it hard. It was him who told Olivia and Leah to come back here. 

"Fuck you!" Paul lashed out punching Edward next and when Edward didn't respond he only got madder. Paul phased quickly and hovered over Edward on the ground, baring his teeth.

"That's enough!" Alice pushed Paul off of her brother and turned to us "We will get them back. We just need a plan and some more help. We can reach out to our friends again. I'm sure they will help us"

"And what about other packs? We can try and find more wolves to help us. We have to try" Embry spoke through his tears.

I couldn't bring myself to speak. I couldn't bring myself to even think properly. Olivia was gone. The Volturi took her and all I could feel was numbness, I felt empty. Like I didn't have a purpose anymore. 

I need to get her back but first I needed to call Sam. I needed to tell him I failed. The Volturi took Olivia, Leah and Mason. They got everything they wanted and they've left us feeling broken. 

I need to tell Sam I've failed as an imprint an Alpha and a Father.

"Jacob?" I didn't even register that I had pulled out my phone and dialed his number. 

Everyone went silent and looked at me. Paul's wolf was cowering. 

"I failed Sam..."

"Jacob what's wrong? What happened?" Sam's voice turned strong. His Alpha senses already knew something was wrong. 

"Sam what's wrong?" I could hear Emily in the background. She already sounded exhausted. 

"They took her Sam" That's when it happened. I broke, I loudly sobbed into the phone "The Volturi took Leah... And Olivia... And Mason. I failed Sam" I dropped the phone and collapsed to my knees. 

"I'm going to kill them all" Sam's voice wasn't even his anymore. It was full of hate and anger. 

My whole reason for living was now gone. And I need to get her back. I need to get everyone back. 


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