Chapter 14. Monster.

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"Being around the Cullen's must have triggered it. The wolf sensed the vampires and had to come out to protect her. I'm surprised it waited so long" Sam addressed the pack. He had them sitting all together in the lounge while Olivia was upstairs. She had locked herself in the bathroom after what happened. She'd been there all day and night. 

She phased. Right out the front of the house. Tore Leah up pretty good but she'll heal. She was a dark charcoal color, a little similar to Sam's wolf. She had a big panic attack in wolf form and Paul was the only one who could calm her down enough to get her to phase back. He was upstairs with her now, she wouldn't let anyone else near her. 

"We need to not overwhelm her too much. Even though she knows all about the pack it can still be a shock to her. No one ever thought she'd phase. We all need to pitch in with Mason as well when Paul is on patrol or if Liv needs him" Jacob was shaking in the corner. It cut him up inside that Paul was the only one who could calm her down. 

"Sam?" Paul was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking exhausted, his face was red and blotchy, he'd been crying. "She wants you" Sam rushed up the stairs not even thinking twice about it. His little sister needed him. 


"Sammy" She was curled up in the corner of the bathroom. She was in one of Paul's shirts, she had ripped hers apart when she phased. "Sammy... why me?"

"It's a mysterious gift Oli. It's chosen you. I know you didn't want it but it will do great things for you Oli"

"What if I can't control it Sammy? Yesterday I was normal, I was a mother and now I'm a monster. I don't want to hurt Mason"

"You won't hurt Mason, Oli. You are still a great mother. The only things that have changed is now you can turn into a wolf, you won't get sick anymore, you are extremely strong and you can kick ass. You are still an amazing mother and you will be fine. I have a feeling that you can't be any worse than Paul was" She chuckled a little at that one. Olivia always enjoyed the stories about Paul getting angry about the smallest things.

"I'm scared Sammy"

"Don't be. You will be perfect... I think you need to go for a run. By yourself, in wolf form, with no one else in your head. It used to help me a lot when I first phased"

"I don't think I can" Sam picked Olivia up bridal style and carried her downstairs. The pack followed them out into the front yard where Sam placed Olivia down. She stood wiping her tears away. Olivia took a deep breath and phased quickly. The quickest anyone has ever phased before. 

The charcoal colored wolf turned it's head to the rest of the pack who were smiling at her. And then her gaze focused on something behind her. Emily walked towards them holding Mason. Everyone wanted to stop her but were afraid if they did Olivia might snap. 

Olivia turned around and put her face up to Mason. Mason squealed and laughed grabbing at her face. Olivia felt such joy that her baby boy accepted her wolf form. He had been around the other wolves before but this was special. This was his mother. 

Olivia turned and took off into the woods with a clear head. Sam was right, she was feeling better already.


"Sam!" I burst through the kitchen door the happiest I'd felt in a while. "Sam you were right, I feel good, I feel like I had to get something out of my system. I feel refreshed. And Mason loved me as a wolf" I took Mason from Paul and cuddled him "Hi baby" Mason smiled up at me and played with my shirt. 

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