Chapter 23. You Left Me.

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So much emotion flooded me, anger, hurt and love. He just sat there looking at me like I was supposed to say something to him first? I'm not the one who left, I'm the one who was abandoned. And the worst thing is that I still love him even though he did leave me, I can't help it, everything in me wants to hate him but I can't.

I quickly wiped the stray tear that betrayed me.

Jacob started to stand and try to walk towards me but Paul grabbed his shoulder and threw him back down into the chair. The sound of the chair skidding against the floor filled the room.

"No. I won't let you hurt her again. She was a strong amazing girl before you came along. You broke her" Paul was shaking badly. I'd never heard him like that before. His voice was laced with venom as he spoke to Jacob. The imprint part of me wanted to tear him apart for talking to Jacob like that but the rational part of me took over and let him do it. I let him throw him down to the couch and threaten him because I'd had enough.

"I'm glad you have him back Billy" I gave Billy a kiss on the cheek and moved to leave, I couldn't stay here, not if we're just going to stand here and stare at each other. I think we need to cool off before we speak.

I expected to be overwhelmed with happiness when I saw him again but I wasn't. Watching how he was tonight with Bella made me sick. I just wanted to go home. He danced with her and had his arms around her. Did he even think to come and see me? Did he even care that I've been hurting so bad these last couple of weeks?

Asshole! How could he?

"Wait, Live please... Please don't leave" I turned to face him bewildered. Is he serious?

"Why? You left me..." Jacob flinched "It's been 2 damn months Jacob and I haven't heard anything from you! You blocked me out! Do you know how that made me feel? And the fact that you left because of Bella is just icing on the cake"

"It's not like that Liv. You know she is just my friend. I had to make myself okay with the fact that after her wedding day she would be dead. I had to grieve and come to terms with the fact that she won't be my friend anymore, she'll be a vampire"

"Two months Jacob"

"I know and I'm so sorry" Jacob stood up and went to move towards me but stopped to look at the rest of the pack who went to move in between us. I held out my hand letting them know to stand down.

"I'm done Jacob"

"Please don't say that. I love you"

"No you don't. If you loved me you wouldn't have left"

"You know I love you. I missed you so much, and Mason... But Bella-"

"Shut up! Just Shut up!" I couldn't stop my body moving forwards towards him. I just wanted to push him, hopefully push some sense into him. He has just made me so mad.

Sam interjected, catching me in his arms and holding me tightly.

"Don't do something you'll regret" He whispered lowly in my ear.

"You didn't miss us... And you don't love us. So stop lying Jacob, you left"

"I do. I'll prove it..." Jacob patted around his pockets before finding what he was looking for and pulled out a diamond ring from his back pocket. He was holding it out in front of him with a sad look on his face. "Marry me?"

The pack were as shocked as I was. Paul and Sam were both shaking and everyone else just had looks of disbelief and shock on their faces.

"I... No Jacob. That's not how you fix this"

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