Chapter 42. Shop.

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"No Alice!"

"Why Paul?"

"Firstly because she's pregnant and secondly because she's in danger"

"I'll have Rose, Bella and Leah with me. She couldn't be in safer hands"

"Come on Jake. Being cooped up in this house is killing everyone" 

"No Bella, you aren't taking her" Jacob growled back. 

"Jacob, Paul you are being unreasonable"

I groaned and rolled over in bed. Of course I wake up to shouting. I cracked an eye open and checked the time on my phone. It was seriously too early for this and I had about a hundred missed calls from Alice and Rose. Obviously they just decided to come over anyway and plead their case. 

"The answer is no. You are not risking her life for clothes!" Clothes? Shopping? I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs into the kitchen where the yelling was coming from. Everyone was eating breakfast already except Rachel and Kim. They must still be asleep.

"Yes! Please yes! Get me out of this house" I grabbed on to the counter for support a little out of breath. I need to get out and be normal, it's been too long. 

"No Liv" I held my hand up cutting off Paul.

"First of all you are not the boss of me. And secondly I am going crazy being cooped up here, we all are. Just think of it as a productive shop, there's still a lot of things Harper needs for her nursery and we will pick them up today. I'm telling you right now, if you try to make me stay, I swear to god I will make your lives hell. Cool, end of discussion. I'm going" I left the room quickly before they could speak and all I could hear was Alice saying 'I told you so'.

I quickly pulled on some maternity jeans, a long sleeve shirt and I quickly ran the brush through my bed hair before running back down taking the stairs carefully and putting my shoes on at the same time. 

"I'm ready!" That was probably the quickest I've ever gotten ready. I snatched up a piece of toast and gave Mason lots of kisses all over his face. 

"While you're out you may as well start getting some things for Mason's birthday in a few weeks" Paul laughed and shook his head when he saw me freeze. Oh my god how could that have even escaped my mind. My baby boy will be two in a few weeks. I feel like the time has gone so quickly. I swear it was only his first birthday the other week. 

I stood straight and wiped away the lone tear that fell from my eye.

"My baby is growing up too fast"

"Olivia, get your hormones in check and let's go" Leah placed her hands on my shoulders and started to guide me out the door "We will be back in a few hours" Leah never liked shopping, let alone with vampires. But I think staying in the house so much has had it's toll on all of us. 

I squeezed myself into the front seat of the car while Leah got stuck in the back with Bella and Rosalie. I couldn't help but giggle at her scowl plastered on her face.

"So where are we going?" Alice turned up the music and took off without looking back. 

"Port Angeles" 

"I think it's probably a good thing you didn't tell Jacob that. He would have locked me up and thrown away the key" 

"Ooh kinky" Rose teased. I twisted my arm back and swatted at her in the back seat "I didn't know wolf boy had it in him"

"Apparently he did last night" Leah muttered. I tried to reach my arm around to her but she kept dodging me "First time in a while. Liv's been holding out"

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