Chapter 12. Help.

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"Sam it's not his fault" I pleaded. We don't need another shit show happening in the front yard.

"Look at that Liv" Sam grabbed my arm showing everyone my bruise. It covered half my arm. Paul had big hands, he was angry, it's not his fault. 

"He didn't mean it"

"Don't defend me Liv" Paul looked ashamed of himself. 

"But you didn't!" 

The next few events happened so quickly that if I blinked I would have missed it. 

Jacob had punched Paul and Paul had punched him back. And then they phased, their clothing was in pieces all over the ground and they were locked together in a fight. Can we not go a day without a fight breaking out?

Jared pulled me and Emily inside, away from the boys and Sam phased along with the others to try and break up the fight. But I swear I don't think they were trying very hard, and it didn't look like Paul was trying too hard to defend himself.

"Please stay here" Jared pleaded before running outside.

"Boys" Emily shook her head and took Mason from me walking towards my room. Sorry Jared, but I wasn't just going to stand here and do nothing, especially when no one was trying to break it up. 

I ran out the door and couldn't believe the site before me. Jacob and Paul were attached to each other biting and scratching each other in wolf form. 

This is ridiculous.

"Stop!" I went to run towards them but a small grey wolf stepped in front of me. Definitely Leah. I heard a loud yelp and saw Leah flinch. Whatever it was, it was painful. 

My eyes were drawn back to the fight. Jacob had Paul by the throat. I could see the blood pouring to the ground. 

"Jake no!" Jacob looked over at me and it gave Paul the upper hand. Paul kicked Jacob off but Jacob came back quickly getting on top of Paul again. I don't know what I thought I could do. I don't know what I was thinking but something came over me. I just wanted it to stop. 

I turned in the opposite direction and ran back to the house. I ran through the front door, through the kitchen, through the living room and out the back door. 

I just needed to escape. I need to breathe. I can't breathe. 

I ran and ran to the point where I didn't know where I was or how long it had been. It could have been and hour for all I knew. I stopped at a creek. The LaPush border, separating LaPush from Forks.

If I crossed over they couldn't follow me. And that's just what I needed right now, I need to escape them, I need to escape everything. I carefully climbed down the slippery rocks and through the creek. I didn't even care right now that my shoes and pants were getting wet. I climbed up the other side, scraping my knees a few times but I finally made it. 

It felt good to cross the border. I felt a little rebellious, kind of like when I'd sneak around with Paul back when we were forbidden to be together.

I sat on my knees and let my head fall back, listening to the noises of the forest. It was so peaceful and quiet. Just what I needed. 

"What are you doing?" I screamed clutching my chest. Whoever this was gave me a heart attack. "You shouldn't be out here all alone" I jumped to my feet grabbing a branch from the ground and holding it out in front of me. 

"Who are you?"

"Luckily for you, I'm Emmett Cullen. And you?" A Cullen. Thank god it's a Cullen and not the red headed one.

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