Chapter 17. Injured.

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I was standing outside of Billy Blacks house with the rest of the pack. Carlisle was inside with Sam re-breaking Jacob's bones so they'll heal properly. 

I could feel everything, after the first couple of breaks I stopped screaming, I got used to it. I knew I wasn't feeling even a fracture of what he was. 

I was stood in front of Embry with his hands over my ears and my hands over his trying to block out the noise. I had my face pressed against his chest which was covered in my tears. I couldn't stop, I couldn't stop feeling everything. 

My head snapped up at the sound of a beat up, crappy truck pulling into the driveway. I stepped away from Embry and towards the person inside of the truck, she has no right to be here. I growled and took another step but Embry pulled me back so my back was now pressed against his chest and I was secured with his arms around me. 

Bella rushed out of her truck and towards us, she obviously can't sense that she isn't wanted.

"Hey, is he-" Jacob's screams cut her off mid sentence. Her face turned to pain and she looked to Billy apologetically. I can't believe I helped save her today. What was I thinking?

"Docs been at it for hours" Quil strained himself to speak "He's re-breaking his bones"

"Why did he have to butt in? I could have had that tick" Leah grumbled. She feels guilty. It's not her fault. 

"Oh give it a rest Leah!" Paul growled.

"Don't get angry at her" I sighed "Any of you would have done the same thing if it came after you" Paul nodded and silently apologized to Leah with a look. "It's not Leah's fault he is in that bed" I growled looking straight at Bella.

Carlisle walked out of the house followed by Sam. They both looked worn down.

"The worst is over. He'll be alright. I've given him morphine but his body temperature will burn it off quickly, I will come back and set up a drip"

"Thank you" Billy extended a hand to Carlisle and Carlisle took it. Maybe this could be a new treaty of some sort and they would be more peaceful with each other. This was a big step in the relationship between the wolves and the vampires. 

"He's asking for you" I looked up hoping he wasn't talking to Bella and it was me he wanted to see. Carlisle was looking at me, not her. Jacob wanted me.

I went over and hugged Carlisle, thanking him, he just saved Jacob and I hope the pack recognize that. They owe this man a lot.

I rushed through the front door and through the hallway. I didn't even know where I was going, I'd never been here before but I hoped I was going the right way. I followed my senses and entered the room at the back. It smelt like him.

"Am I dreaming? Or is there an angel in my room" I chuckled and rushed over sitting on the ground next to his bed. He was sweaty and puffing. He just had every bone on his right side broken, it would have taken a lot out of him.

"Jake, you're an idiot, you know that right?" I brushed some hair off his forehead. I didn't know what to say to him.

"I'm sorry you had to feel it too"

"Don't apologize, don't ever apologize for that. It wasn't your fault. I was fine, it's you I'm worried about" Jacob moved closer to the edge of his bed wincing from the pain. "Jake stop, what are you doing?"

"Come" he patted the bed next to his good side. I carefully climbed over him and cuddled up to his side. "I heard you screaming, I felt you screaming"

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