Chapter 45. Punished.

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They knew they couldn't torture me like they tortured the others who had phased. Not if they want my baby alive. They were already mad at Jane for going overboard with the torture when she first found us. She had caused me to bleed. Luckily the baby was okay.

So they've isolated me, they have put me in a dark room strapped to a table where all I can do is stare at the dark ceiling. I could hear breathing so I knew I wasn't the only one in here but the breathing was heavy, too heavy for them to be conscious. Plus, I'd called out a few times and no one had answered. I think it had been a few days, I can't keep track of time, especially when I keep falling asleep. It could have been a week for all I knew.

I pulled at the restraints again but they wouldn't give. No matter how much extra strength I had from being a werewolf, I couldn't break the restraints. 


I pulled on my arm trying to free myself from the restraint just a little bit.

"Somebody? I really need a drink!"

"Drink" a cold metal cup was placed on my lips and water flowed over my face. I opened my mouth and swallowed greedily. Who knew when they'd let me drink again. The voice was familiar but I couldn't quite place it. I turned my face and stopped drinking. They put something in the water, it tasted sour. Were they trying to poison me? 

Had this person been here the whole time? Did they take joy in watching me suffer?

The cup was removed and I was blinded by the brightest light I've ever seen in my life. They'd turned on the lights and by 'they' I mean Jane, the doctor, the nurse and 3 big buff vampires. I was in the medical clinic strapped to the same table I was strapped to when I first got here. 

"What was in that water?" No one answered me "What did you do?" Jane walked around the table checking the restraints were secure. The doctor was setting up some machines, sticking things into my arms and wiping down my stomach "Who is she?" There was a girl hooked up to a machine across the room. She was unconscious and pregnant "What did you do to her?" 

"You talk too much" 

"I'm going to kill you very soon Jane. I can promise you that" She placed a hand on my stomach, no matter how much I squirmed I couldn't get her hand off of me. She could do anything right now and there is no way I could stop her. 

I felt so helpless, I can't protect my baby. I can't even protect myself.

"We have been feeding her what we just gave you in your water. And if all goes to plan she will be having her baby today. She is 5 months pregnant but her baby has progressed to 9 months already. Good luck" Jane was smiling that stupid smirk of hers. She thought she had the upper hand. We will out of here before they get the chance to touch my baby. She moved off to the side of the room and the Doctor approached me using some small torch to look in my eyes.

"It's not having the effect that it had on the human. I doubled the dose but unfortunately it isn't doing what I want it to do. The pupils will be fully dilated when it is in full effect but her eyes haven't changed. Needle" The nurse put a giant needle in the doctors hand, it was full of some blue liquid. She didn't even hesitate before stabbing it into my stomach. "Maybe injecting it straight into the fetus will have a better effect. 

"Maybe?" Jane growled and snatched the doctors hand before she could actually release whatever it was in that needle into my belly. Jane slammed the needle down and threw the doctor against the wall. "This is not a 'maybe' subject. This child is valuable. We will bring you someone else to experiment on. Put her back in with the others" 

"Wait!" Jane paused and looked back at me "Mason? Where is my son?" 

"He isn't your son anymore" Jane smirked.

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