Chapter 25. Last Chance For Happiness.

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"Come on, keep up. Even Mason is doing better than you" I'm so done with exercising. First Jacob took me to the cave and now Leah is making me hike up in the forest with her because Sue told her she needs to be more productive. I groaned loudly and trudged further through the trees. 

"Leah remind me next time you ask me to do any form of physical activity to say no!" Leah laughed and lifted Mason up onto her shoulders.

"Come on you are a super strong supernatural being! we're almost at the clearing Liv, move your ass" Oh thank god. Being a werewolf doesn't seem to help my dislike of physical activity at all. "Come on!" 

I finally broke through the trees and collapsed into the flowers. Never again.

"You are the laziest wolf I have ever met. You're giving us girl wolves a bad rep... Run Mason run!" Mason was running through the flowers giggling and falling over every few meters. I had dressed him in the cutest fluffy parka, black joggers and some black gumboots. He looked like a little munchkin running around in the field. 

I pulled out my phone and took some cute videos before pulling out some sandwiches for us.

"Mase, lunch" Mason looked at me then ran in the other direction giggling. He thought he was so bloody funny. As long as I can still see him I don't mind him running around like a monkey.

"You are my favorite person in the world right now" Leah shoved another sandwich in her mouth and moaned "My favorite!" I laid back down and nibbled on my sandwich. "Now, have you thought about what you're going to do about Jacob yet?"

"Lee... I'm going to move past it. I'm going to forgive him. I still love him and I can't just turn those feelings off. I think he knows I'm on my last straw and I hope he doesn't forget that when Bella comes back from her honeymoon."

"Me too Liv. I really want to see you happy. But I'm letting you know now that I will kick his ass if he ever mentions her name ever again" Leah laid down next to me and shut her eyes. I turned my head to keep an eye on Mason running around. "I love you Liv" 

"I love you too Lee. I can't wait for you to find your imprint and we can have happy little families together"

"At the rate that you're going I'm surprised you haven't gotten pregnant again"

"Whoa! Lee!"

"What? We all share minds, we all know you guys go at it like rabbits" 

"Ew Lee stop! I love you but I will punch you"

"Aww I love you too Liv" 

"Aww how cute, you guys are giving me goosebumps" Seth jumped over us and scooped up Mason, swinging him around. Leah and I shot up into sitting position.

"I think I almost shed a tear!" Embry laughed sitting near us end eating the food out of our bags. Jacob fell down next to me and linked our hands together.

"You lot are idiots" Leah reverted back to her bitch attitude and crossed her arms with a permanent frown stuck on her face.

"You guys talk really loud. We could hear you from miles away. Anyway Sam is calling a pack meeting tonight, wanted us to pass on the message" Seth sat down as well with Mason in his lap eating some sandwiches.

"Great. Can't wait. Now leave please" 

"Leah" I laughed at her comment. She hated being around the guys. She always had to put on a bitchy attitude around them so that they wouldn't see her vulnerable side. "Let's get climbing then"

"It'll definitely take you a while" Leah snickered. I poked my tongue out at her and jumped up pulling Jacob with me.

"Will you join us?" 

"I wish I could but we have to get back to patrol, I'll see you at the meeting?" I leaned up and gave him a loving kiss. "I love you" 

"I love you too"


"Give it a rest Leah" Jacob growled.

"Make me" I tightened my grip on Jacob's arm, stopping him from advancing on Leah. They need to stop pushing each others buttons. 

"Come on Jake, lets go!" Jake turned the other way to follow Seth earning a slap on the butt from me. "See you guys later!" Seth called back.

I wonder what this meeting will be about?




"Wheres Jacob?" He's not here? I scanned the room quickly as everyone else sat down, ready for our meeting. 

"He got an urgent call from Billy. He had to go home" Urgent?

"Is Billy okay?" Embry asked. Everyone was concerned. We all loved Billy.

"Jacob said Billy is fine. He just needs to talk to him about something important that apparently couldn't wait" It all sounds suss. Somethings happening and I don't like the feeling I'm getting from it. My chest felt like there was a weight on it. "Alright, since Jake's not coming we can just get started." Sam stood up in front of everyone "We are changing patrol schedules..." I sunk back into the couch next to Leah and zoned out. I don't really care, the only thing that would affect me is if Sam, Paul and I were on Patrol together, which we never are. Someone has to look after Mason. 

"Seth, Embry and Paul, you have first watch. Don't forget the new routes" New routes? Maybe I should have been listening. "Then you will swap over with Liv, Leah and Jared at midnight"

"This sucks. I didn't want to go on patrol. I just wanted all the perks of being a wolf without having to do any work. Surely if there were any bloodsuckers the Cullen's would know about it" I grumbled to Leah as the rest of the pack dispersed. 

"Can't the pixie not see us though. If we encounter a bloodsucker they can't see us or it. So that kind of falters that plan."

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that" Leah kicked her shoes off and laid back on the couch turning on the tv "What are we watching?"

"I don't know? 2 broke girls?" I shrugged. I didn't really mind, it was a pretty good show. I laid my legs over Leah's lap and half hung off the bed looking at my instagram feed when I heard it. 

An urgent howl. One that said everyone needs to phase now. The howl was Jacob's. Both Leah and I jumped off the bed and bolted down the stairs. I hope he wasn't hurt, hopefully nothing serious has happened. What did Billy tell him? Was Billy okay?

Something was going down and I have this uneasy feeling that what's going to happen next will ruin everything. 




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