Chapter 6

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Alexander walked down the hallway. Maria seemed to have calmed down so he decided it'd be ok to leave. The hallways were pitch black. He used his phones flashlight in an attempt to see properly. His phone was old and cracked so he couldn't see very well anyways.

When he finally got back to his room the first thing he noticed was Thomas, hiding in the corner.

"Thomas? What's going on? Are you ok?" Alex said, walking over to Thomas.

Thomas was breathing heavily. Alex flicked on the lights, squinting in the now blindingly bright room. Alex sat beside Thomas. Thomas had bruises and cuts, deep cuts, all across his body. His face was stained with tears. Alex stared at him in shock.

"What happened..." Alex stuttered, putting his hand gently on Thomas' shoulder.

Thomas tensed at Alexander's touch. He started crying again. "James.... James is what happened... I was trying to defend you... and he..."

Alex kissed Thomas lightly. "Thank you... Now let's get you cleaned up."

Alex helped Thomas carefully take off his shirt. Alex couldn't help but stare at Thomas' perfect chest for longer than he should've. He snapped out of it and went to the washroom and got a wet cloth, bandages and a needle and thread. He knew for a fact that Thomas wouldn't let Alex take him to the hospital.

Alexander carefully cleaned Thomas' cuts, bandaging the smaller ones and stitching up the larger ones, gently kissing each one once he was done. Alex later called the police to report Reynolds. They said they'd do all that they could. Alexander thanked them, hanging up. He sat with Thomas on the bed, wrapping his arms around him.

"I'm sorry Thomas..." Alex started before being interrupted by Thomas, kissing him.

Thomas held Alex's hips, bringing him closer. Alex ran his fingers down Thomas' chest slowly. He pulled away just enough to say I love you, before kissing Thomas again.


Alexander woke in Thomas' arms again. He smiled, resting his head on Thomas' chest. Thomas was already awake. He played with Alexander's hair. Alex looked up, not realizing Thomas was awake.

"Good morning darling." Thomas said, kissing Alex's forehead.

"Morning.." Alex whispered.

Alex looked over at the clock. 11:36. Shit. Alex dragged himself out of bed. His shift would be starting soon and he had to get ready. He threw on a ripped pair of jeans and a black hoodie. Thomas looked over at Alex in disappointment.

"You're leaving me..." he said with a sigh.

"My shift is starting soon. You can come and hang out at the café if you'd like."

Thomas shrugged. "Why not."

He sat up, throwing on his magenta sweater, not bothering to change his pants. They headed down to the café. Thomas kept his arm wrapped around Alexander. Once they arrived Thomas kissed Alex quickly and sat in the back. Alex pinned on his nametag, heading to the break room. Mimi smirked when she saw him.

"What.." Alex mumbled.

"Someone's got a boyfriend!" Mimi said, tauntingly.

Alex looked away. "Shut up.."

"I think it's cute." Mimi smiled.

Alex walked out of the break room, blushing lightly. He brought Thomas a coffee and something to eat, kissing his forehead. Alex normally tried his best to stay away from people. Today he couldn't though. There was nobody to serve today so Alex was by himself.

It was nearing the end of Alex's shift. It was quiet for the most part. That is, until now. George Frederick King and Samuel Seabury... Why are they here... George is a junior and Samuel was a freshman. Samuel had a huge crush on George though he never showed it. He kinda just followed George around.

George went and sat down as Sam walked up to the counter. "Hello Hamilton." He said harshly.

"Afternoon." Alexander said calmly. "What can I get for you."

"Two coffees..." Samuel mumbled, defeated.

Alexander nodded. He made their coffees, walking over to give them to the two.

"Thank you." Sam mumbled.

Alex left them. He could hear George getting mad at Samuel. Telling him not to be so timid and such. Alex glanced over at them. He sighed and walked back over. He stood at the table, crossing his arms.

"George. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He said.

"Why should I do that?" George asked, his anger growing.

"You are disrupting the other people here. Now leave."

George stood up. "Fine." He stormed out of the café.

Samuel went to follow him. Alex pushed him back into his chair. "You are staying here." He said. "You can't let him treat you like that. I know you like him, I don't get why, but you really do need to stand up for yourself." He put his hand on Samuel's shoulder. "Alright."

Samuel nodded. Alex gave him a small smile and left.


Thomas came and picked up Alex after his class. Thomas held his hand. "That's was amazing... what you did for that Samuel kid earlier..." he said.

"George is a dick... Someone's gotta stand up to him every now and again."


The rest of the walk was quiet. They arrived back at their room and Alex fell back onto Thomas' bed. Well, it's not really Thomas' anymore. They share the bed now. Thomas laid beside him, kissing his cheek.

Alexander's phone buzzed.

Chat with: unknown number

unknown number: i have her. if you want her back come to yorktown. i'm waiting.

I hate you (Thomas JeffersonXAlexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now